TMI Tuesday: Sex, Cereal, and Ants!

Evan-Amos [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

1. What was your favorite part of yesterday?
That nothing else broke! In the past week, my refrigerator decided it didn’t want to work (the compressor went out), my garage door broke and needed repair, and then my bathroom flooded and I had to call a plumber (at double-time rates as it was Saturday). Yesterday was heaven.

2. If you could make your own porn movie, what would you call it? Would you write it, direct and/or star in the movie?
I can’t think of any great titles tonight – maybe something like “House of Screams” or “A Noisy Place”, featuring women who cum loudly. I would probably write and direct it – I’m not sure if I’d star in it, but maybe.

3. What do you like the least about sex?
I dislike the cleanup afterwards, especially if we’re using a lot of toys.

4. So, now what are you planning to do?
Well, right now I’m vegging out to a show called The BodyGuard, and I’m going to ride my bike for a half hour shortly.

5. If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?
You know, it’s been ages since I ate cereal. I’ll go with Count Chocula cereal – because it’s good and it’s chocolatey, and you can’t really ask more than that from a cereal.

Bonus: If you could shrink down to ant-sized, what would you do?
Well, now that I’m thinking about cereal, it would be kind of fun to go swimming in a bowl of milk, with just a few round pieces of cereal to use as inner-tube floats. It’d probably also be fun to play in Legoland, as everything would be just about the right size.

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Wicked Wednesday: Technical Sex

Jon Photographer [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The trickiest positions that I find quite hard to do
is definitely sixty-nine – it’s never been a coup.
It’s bad when I’m on bottom and it’s worse when I’m on top,
I find it rather difficult to focus and I stop.

I love to suck my lover’s cock, and take it to his balls,
With slow and sensuous sucks and licks that make him climb the walls.
It takes some concentration for the rhythm and the flow,
And when we sixty-nine that rhythm goes out the window.

For when I’m on the bottom oftentimes he’ll start to thrust,
And with my clit on fire, alive, there’s no way to adjust.
I want to move around and I forget what I am doing,
It’s hard to keep on sucking when an orgasm is brewing.

And when I’m on the top and I am wet and quite aroused,
I grind into his tongue until his face is rather soused.
I’m way too focused on my clit and how soon I’ll be cumming,
I just can’t focus on his cock and keep his motor running.

I’d rather that we each take turns to turn the other on,
So both of us are satisfied until the break of dawn.
I don’t know if I’ll ever master how to sixty-nine,
But practice might make perfect – and yes, perfect would be fine.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Sex and Lovers

Max Liebermann [Public domain]

1. Who has the tendency to hold a grudge–you or your significant other?
Oh, definitely me. I can hold a grudge for a long time.

2. The last time you had sex, was it meaningful (making love) or trivial (getting a much needed fuck)?
The last time was what I would consider trivial – it was a very much needed fuck.

3. Do you have sex with your eyes open or closed?
For foreplay I often have my eyes open, but typically, especially when I’m close to orgasming, my eyes will be closed.

4. When arguing with a loved one, who is most likely to “hit below the belt*” first?
*attacking your partner’s character or something personal about them.
Hmmm…if you’re defining a loved one as a partner, then really neither of us. If you’re defining it as a family member, then typically the family member.

5. Is sex with your best friend a dream come true or the worst nightmare?
I think that could be a real nightmare.

Bonus: Share with us your best tip for making your online dating profile standout.
Ha – that’s a tough one. I’m not really sure what online dating profiles really contain, but I guess a sexy yet demure picture, and interesting likes and dislikes.

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Wicked Wednesday: Before & After

Salvador Viniegra [Public domain]

Before I met you I was lost,
I couldn’t find my way.
I stumbled back and forth, confused,
both every night and day.

I was never satisfied
and I felt deep despair,
for what my life was, all alone
Just visions in the air.

The day you fell into my life
was one I won’t forget,
For I was on the verge of dying
on the parapet.

You touched my soul and pulled me back
and smothered me with love.
And every day since I met you
I thank the Lord above.

After you rescued me I felt
uplifted, calm, and free.
I pray that you will always spend
all of your days with me.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Fill In The Blanks

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. I want to repeat going on vacation out of the country.
2. I want to lose my bad habits .
3. I want to gain a sense of calm .
4. I want to enjoy life to the fullest.
5. I want to savor every moment with my love .
6. I need more time to relax.

Bonus: I will succeed in making my wishes come true .


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