TMI Tuesday: The State of Happy

Mary Cassatt [Public domain]

1. Do you like where you live or do you wish you could move?
I really wish I could move.  I’d love to live somewhere that was warm, preferably by the water, and had decent restaurants and places to shop.

2. No matter what life throws at me, I believe that I can deal with it. Agree or Disagree?
I would agree. I may not deal well with it, but I will deal and cope.

3. A dear friend is stuck in an unhappy relationship. What advice would you give to the friend to cope–how can they make lemonade out of lemons?
I think it depends on how unhappy of a relationship it is, and if there’s anything to salvage. If it’s really untenable,  then I’d tell them that they need to move on, and they need to be happy. It’s silly to make others happy at the expense of yourself.  If there was still something there, I’d suggest they try and talk, and maybe try counseling to see if there was something that could be done.

4. Nothing of value can be learned from failure. True or False?
I think that’s false. You can learn a lot when you fail, and it makes you stronger and better able to deal and possibly win in the future.

5. Even if you are sure about your ultimate choice, do you still ask others for advice before making an important or risky decision?
Sometimes.It depends how important or risky it is, and it’s good to hear arguments for and against before committing.

Bonus: What is the sweetest or rewarding moment in your life?
There have been a few, but probably the most rewarding was when I gave birth to my first child. There’s never really been anything in my life quite like that.


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TMI Tuesday: Oohs and Aahs

Dani_vr from A Coruña, España [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Do you express your sexual pleasure with moans, groans, sighs, and other noises (provided that you are actually turned on)?
a. Yes, each time I have sex (90-100% of the time).
b. Yes, on most occasions (70-89% of the time).
c. Yes, on some occasions (40-69% of the time).
d. Yes, on a few occasions (less than 40% of the time).
e. No. Never, not even when I am really turned on.
If I’m turned on, I like to make noise. So, definitely a.

2. How comfortable are you with sex in bright light or daylight? Pick one.
a. Completely comfortable
b. Fairly comfortable
c. Somewhat comfortable/uncomfortable, depends on the partner.
d. Completely uncomfortable. I like to do it in the dark.
Definitely a. Although I don’t mind having sex in the dark, there are times I want to see what I’m doing, and I’m not self-conscious about my body or about sex.

3. Is this statement True or False for you? Explain.
I would like to talk dirty with my partner, but I don’t dare for fear of being judged or ridiculed.
That’s false for me. I like to talk dirty, and I’ve never felt judged or ridiculed when I do. I think talking dirty can really make things hot.

4. Have you ever done a striptease for a lover (impromptu or planned)? Did you enjoy it?
I have done it many times. I don’t think I’ve ever not enjoyed it.

5. How do you feel about giving anal sex (penetration with penis, finger or sex toys)? Pick one.
a. I enjoy it.
b. I’m okay with it.
c. I don’t really enjoy it.
d. I don’t enjoy it at all.
e. I have never given anal sex.
f. I have never given anal sex, but would like to start.
About giving anal sex? That’s e. I like to receive it, but I’ve never wanted to give it, and I’ve never been with anyone who wanted me to.

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Wicked Wednesday: Celibacy

Egon Schiele [Public domain]

I could not live a life where I maintained celibacy,
For never having sex does not excite or fulfill me.
I’d rather fuck all day and night than be alone in bed.
I think if I were celibate, it would mess up my head.

Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Whole Lotta Love

See page for author [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What makes you feel unloved?
When I’m not listened to. That makes me feel uninteresting and sad.

2. What is the one act that a person can do that makes you feel loved?
Holding me in their arms, so I can feel that they never want to let me go.

3. What kind of music do you find romantic?
I actually find metal and jazz romantic. That probably seems like a strange combination, but they both can really set the mood.

4. What do you find utterly unromantic?
Country music. It’s even worse than rap – it sets my teeth on edge and makes me want to scream.

5. What thing did you find out about your significant other that you decided to look past and go for a relationship?
Definitely the snoring. It’s hard to look past, but there are ways around it.

Bonus: In your life, is romance dead?
It’s not dead, but it could use a little nudge.

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Wicked Wednesday: Explore

Tudor from Guelph, Ontario, Canada [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

I want to explore all of you
From your lips
To your toes
My hands all over your body
Your cock hard at my touch
My mouth covering you with kisses
As our hearts beat together
and our souls join.

Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked