Happy New Year!


©2015, Sammi Lou Thorne

2017 was an interesting, roller-coaster sort of year. I took my first trip out of the country to Costa Rica, which was absolutely amazing, and also another trip to Disney World – I’m actually there right now, recovering after an amazing night at Epcot ringing in the new year.  I had a good year health-wise and exercise-wise, but didn’t accomplish quite as much as I hoped to the past twelve months. Many of my resolutions are the same as in years past, and I’m hoping that this year I have enough resolve to see them through.

This year I resolve to:
1. Post more on my blog, and comment more on other blogs. This is a resolution I’ve made the past few years, and I usually start out pretty well before life gets busy.

2. Write, write, write! I did write some last year, but I’ve slacked off and not sent in as many submissions as I wanted to. This year, I am going to be watching for submission calls and submitting more.

3. Get better organized. This seems to show up every year in my resolutions, and I typically fail miserably. I made a semi-decent start last year, as I’ve been ebay-ing things and actually making a dent. This year I plan to get my storage shed emptied out and really clean things up.

4. Get in better shape. Yet another resolution that shows up every year. I did good with this last year – I didn’t make as much progress as I wanted, but progress was definitely made. I feel better, and I’m really going to make a push for this year.

5. Have more sex. Last, but certainly not least! I don’t think I’ve reached the point where I can’t have more – there’s certainly room for improvement and addition!

I hope everyone has a Happy and Successful  New Year!

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