To think back on the good and not the bad.
But always looking backwards doesn’t do me any good,
I can’t change what I have and haven’t had.
I’d rather start anew with you, with nothing on our slate
And write our story fresh and unrestrained.
We could begin at any point and journey to the end,
Our words criss-crossing, never feeling strained.
I don’t think that our time is short but we must make a play
Leave fear behind and grasp what could be ours.
Sometimes my love for you hurts so much I cry out in pain
I want to feel the comfort of your arms.
I want to fuck you senseless and see deep into your soul,
And show you that there’s nothing left to hide,
To give myself to you without reserve or second thoughts,
I want to feel you naked at my side.
We can create a memory to last ’til our last breaths,
One that we strengthen each and every day.
I could not love you more and want to spend my time with you,
There’s nothing more that I can do or say.
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