TMI Tuesday: Strange New World

By Kenny Louie from Vancouver, Canada (A strange but familiar worldUploaded by russavia) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Kenny Louie from Vancouver, Canada (A strange but familiar worldUploaded by russavia) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

You are creating a brand new society. Describe it: Name, leadership/governmental type (if any at all), objective or mission statement. What are the people of this society called?
If I were creating a new society, I think I would call it Yorokobi the society of delight and pleasure.  The government would be minimal, with everyone required to spend two years or more in service to the society promoting peace and pleasure of the inhabitants, with emphasis on natural living and care of the realm. Anyone found not promoting such ideals would be banished to the wastelands or tossed off a cliff…harmoniously, and with great delight, of course. The people would be called the yorokobites, or the yoros, for short.

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