Happy New Year!

It’s finally 2013! Last year had to be one of the worst years of my life, in so many ways. This year can’t possibly be worse, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it isn’t.  I have a lot of plans for this year, and several resolutions. I seriously debated about making any at all, as you know as well as I do how easily they seem to get broken. But, after a lot of thought, I decided to go ahead with them.  Short list, but shorter is more likely doable.

This year, I resolve:

  • To post more often. Yes, that includes more reviews (and possibly some special pictures that have been requested), but also I plan to post more about … stuff. Will it be sexual? Probably, but maybe not. I have been missing writing, and I plan to make some time for it this year. As always, your feedback will be appreciated, and if you have any suggestions, let me know.
  • To become (at least better) organized. Over the past year, I became more disorganized than I think I ever was in my life. It’s not doing me any good, and so I’m going to be making a serious attempt to do this, whether it’s bills, reviews, housecleaning, you name it.
  • To get in (better) shape. This seems to be a staple on my list, but this year it’s a definite goal, and as part of my new organizational skills *ahem*, I am going to schedule it in and make it happen.

Simple, right? We’ll see, but I’m hoping for success.  I thought about adding having more sex to the list, but at this point I’m not sure if that’s possible.

Here’s wishing you a Happy New Year!



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