Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Let’s Get Serious

Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450–1516) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450–1516) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What are you most afraid of?
Hmmm…that’s a tough one. When I was younger, I used to be terribly afraid of dying. I remember being 5 or so, terrified to go to sleep and not wake up, and afraid of the darkness, and endless nothingness. Now, I guess I’m most afraid of dying before I do the things I want to do, while I have the time and the health to do them.

2. Do you believe in life after death?
I don’t know, honestly. I’d like to think that this isn’t it, and that everything just…stops.

3. What is your purpose?
I don’t know if I’ve really found my purpose yet, but I’m searching for it.

4. Where are you going?
Sometimes I feel like I’m going nowhere, just spinning in circles. Other times I feel like I’m just beginning the journey of the rest of my life.

5. Do you fear hell? Why or why not?
No, I don’t fear hell. I don’t really believe in hell, and even if I did, I don’t think I’m a bad enough person that I would end up there.

6. Do you feel free?
No, I don’t. Maybe free in some ways, but not free at all in others.

Bonus: Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don’t point to their crotch when asking where is the bathroom?
Do people still look at their wrists for the time? Well, I suppose that’s going to be more frequent with the new watch that works with the new iPhone, but kids don’t understand the gesture at all.  Pointing at one’s crotch seems more like “fuck me” or “check out what I have down here” than “I have to pee”, though, so that may be why?

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TMI Tuesday: What’s In Your Car?

By AlfvanBeem (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By AlfvanBeem (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Answer these questions as they pertain to your personal mode of transportation.
1. What CD is in your CD player?
I rarely buy CDs anymore – usually I buy songs off of iTunes and load them on an old iPhone, so I have about 1/2 of my music library available in the car. I do actually have a CD in the CD player currently, though, which has a nice mix:
“Fake It” by Seether

“Symphony of Destruction” by Megadeth

“Inside the Fire” by Disturbed

“Stupify” by Disturbed

“Ten Thousand Fists” by Disturbed

“Deify” by Disturbed

“Ich Tu Dir Weh” by Rammstein

“Los” by Rammstein

“Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da” by Rammstein

“Sehnsucht” by Rammstein

“Mein Land” by Rammstein

“Jordan” by Megaherz

2. Turn on your car radio, what station is it tuned to?
A classic rock station – selection is limited in town, but this has some interesting choices for “classic” music. Or I’m getting old.

3. What is in your glove box?
The manual, an aux cable for the stereo, phone charger, and some spare change.

4. Are there any stickers on your bumper? What? (You can post photos too).
I have never actually put a bumper sticker on my car. I own some, mostly along the lines of “Miskatonic University – Go Pods!” and “Smile, Cthulhu Loathes You”, but they’ve never graced my bumper.

5. What stickers or car magnets are on your car? (You can post photos too).?
I have a parking sticker, but that’s about it.

6. When you drive do you have a favorite beverage? What?
Would it surprise you if I said it was coffee? I think I drink more coffee when I’m driving than any other beverage.

7. What is the most unique thing about your car?
Hmm…my car is not very unique, but I suppose it would be the fact that my front logo is missing – apparently someone was missing theirs, so they took mine. It does make mine easy to find in the parking lot, though.

8. Have you modified or decorated or enhanced your steering wheel?
Nope – it’s the same steering wheel my car came with.

9. If your normal mode of transportation is a bicycle or a motorcycle, what have you done to personalize it?
Neither of these is my normal mode of transportation, although I do ride a bicycle – it’s not customized, but it is purple.

10. If your regular mode of transportation is public transport–bus or subway–what do you do to pass the time on your rides?
These aren’t my regular mode of transportation either – no subway or bus here.

Bonus: What is the sexiest thing in your car?
Me when I’m in it, of course!

Bonus, Bonus: What does your choice of personal or regular mode of transportation say about you?
I guess mine says I’m practical, but looks can be deceiving.

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TMI Tuesday: A Colorful Life

By Chemrose (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Chemrose (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Color is everywhere–nature, food, clothing, skin, animals. Different colors symbolize or mean different things in different cultures. Finally, color affects mood.
From your life, tell us about an object, experience or idea related to each of the colors of the spectrum:

1. Red: my blender, my satin sheets, my soft leather collar and cuffs, my favorite lipstick, my anger….

2. Orange: the warm glow from a candle, the feeling after orgasmic sex

3. Yellow: my phone case, my favorite pup

4. Green: my favorite color of vibrator…my lawn…my garden…

5. Blue: my eyes on occasion…my jeans…sometimes my mood…

6. Violet: my deep emotions, my favorite shoes

Bonus: What is the color of sex? I think it’s a multitude of colors – sometimes passionate and red, sometimes fresh and green, sometimes emotional and violet…all of those combined into one, making black or white.

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TMI Tuesday: Memorable and Amazing

Franciszek ?murko [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Franciszek ?murko [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Memorable sex is not necessarily amazing sex, though amazing sex is certainly memorable.
Memorable: hard to forget.
Amazing: startlingly impressive.

1. Tell us your top 3 memorable and/or amazing sexual experiences thus far in 2014.
Well, let’s see. The first memorable sexual experience this year for me was back in January. I had major surgery, and we had to hold off from having sex for a while. Every time we’d go for a follow-up doctor’s visit, I’d ask the doctor, and he’d put us off for another few weeks…until finally he gave the go-ahead. We didn’t do anything crazy or particularly amazing, but it was good to know that, even though things felt a bit different, that sex was still very good, and I was more orgasmic than ever.

The second memorable experience for me would have been a few weeks after that. I’ve had my eyes water occasionally when I’m close to cumming, but I remember being surprised that I seemed to tear up so much, almost all the time, especially when I was going to come hard. And that continues.

The third experience I remember this year, and this falls more under the amazing category (although obviously it was memorable) was the night my husband made me cum 16 times in a row. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard, or so much, and my whole body was shaking. I was hoarse afterwards, which I don’t think I’ve ever been before.

2. What made the encounters memorable/amazing?
Other than what I said above? I guess mostly that there are still memorable and amazing things that can happen to me.

3. What is memorable and amazing about you?
Hmmm…I’m not sure what I’d categorize as being memorable and amazing about me – but it’d be interesting to know what others think is!

Bonus: Which of the things listed below should be infectious??
a. smiles?
b. wealth?
c. laughter?
d. good health
Should any of them not be? Laughter already is, for the most part, as is a smile, but it’d be awesome if wealth and good health were infectious.

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TMI Tuesday: Discuss!

A small part of the collection

A small part of the collection

1. What do you collect?
I collect all kinds of things – there’s not enough space nor time to list everything I collect. I’m a huge Star Trek fan (TOS, thank you very much), and over the years I’ve gone to several conventions, where I’ve acquired some interesting things….including this, which amuses me to no end:



I collect Lovecraftian things, including plush Cthulhus (because, really, what cries out more to be stuffed and cuddled than the Elder God that slumbers under the sea?) and particularly old first edition books (although I have a weird children’s collection as well).

By James Spurrier [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By James Spurrier [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

I also collect books in general (old and rare in particular), legos, and barbies.

Of course, I also collect sex toys, in every shape, size, and use imaginable. This is probably one of the funner things I collect, although it can be overwhelming at times.

2. What do you do for fun?
I like to read, play games, write, and craft. I’m all about making chocolates for Christmas, other holidays, and for fun, and I also like to make soap and quilt. And play – violin, guitar, and piano, depending on my mood.chocolate
3. Name a place that’s fun for you to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there.
Hmm…Disneyland? I love being there for a week at a time, but I think it would drive me nuts after a month or so.

4. Do you believe in revenge? Only when it’s served cold. I think there are certain situations that beg for revenge, yes.

5. Do you believe in forgiveness and do you forgive and forget?
I do believe in forgiveness, for the most part. There are some things that are just unforgivable, but most things are, and life is too short to hold grudges. Now, forget? No. I think it’s hard to forget something that you have to forgive, but you learn to temper your feelings.

6. Are you religious? spiritual? Atheist?
I’m not overly religious – I don’t belong to any particular church, Christian or otherwise, but I would say I’m spiritual. I kind of follow this quote from Albert Camus: ““I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is.”

Bonus: What’s your routine every night just before you go to sleep?
Well, let’s see. Most nights, it’s a trip to the bathroom to remove makeup and brush my teeth, a check of the tv for channel and volume, and then typically I’ll strip down and slide nude under the covers for a snuggle before I fall asleep.

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