Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Significant Others, Lovers, and Such

Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Make three true “we” statements about you and your significant other.
We like to watch movies.
We both hate doing laundry.
We like going to Disneyworld.

2. What is important for your lover to know?
That sometimes I’m emotional for no real reason. That I like to be held, and cuddled, and kissed. That I need to feel loved.

3. What is important for you to know about your lover?
What they’re feeling and what pleases them.

4. Tell us two things that can make your sex life hotter?
Hmmm…more ear nibbling and more flat out fucking.

5. Which have you said to your significant other in the last 48 hours (you can pick more that one):?
a. I appreciate you?
b. I love you?
c. I am mad at you (or something similar)?
d. You hurt my feelings.?
e. Let’s fuck!
Definitely b.

6. Thinking of your current significant other or lover, are they??
a. Good enough until something better comes along.?
b. Just what you need but some tweaking, and refining would make him/her a great fit.
c. The person of your dreams, a keeper.
I’ll go with c.

Bonus: Of all the people in your family, whose death would affect you most? Why?
Of people that haven’t died yet? I would say my children. I don’t know how I would deal with one of them dying, as children aren’t supposed to die before their parents.

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TMI Tuesday: I See You

Edouard-Henri Avril via Wikimedia Commons

Edouard-Henri Avril via Wikimedia Commons

1. Have you ever had sex in front of other people? What were the circumstances?
Not intentionally or knowingly. I have been walked in on in a few places, and I’ve had sex in public places where someone may have seen me, but I don’t know if they did.

2. You are invited to Adult Show & Tell. What is it that you will show and tell.
Hmmm…I think I’d show off my breasts, and tell one of my fantasy scenarios.

3. What part of your body do you like to show off?
I like to show off my ass and my legs, and also my breasts.

4. What part of the human body do you enjoy looking at the most?
I love looking into people’s eyes the most. But, as for an actual body-part, I’d say chest and penis.

5. When you watch porn, what is it that you most enjoy seeing?
I like watching a lot of things, but I think I like watching gangbangs the best.

Bonus: Post a pic of your body part that you like to show off.
I’ll share one of my favorite pictures:



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TMI Tuesday: Relationships & You

By Tudor from Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Skin) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Tudor from Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Skin) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
I would like to be famous…as a writer or a movie director. I’d love to be a bestselling horror or erotica writer (probably some combination of the two), or a movie director that worked on horror movies.

2. Name three things you and your partner have in common.
Hmmm…let’s see. We both have a mole in the same place on our backs, we both like heavy metal, and we both like Criminal Minds.

3. Name three things you hate that your partner likes.?
Golf. Oh, wait – I need two more. Besides golf, I’d say SportsCenter  and tabasco sauce.

4. What do you value most in a friendship??
The ability to be honest with each other, and to be there when one needs the other.

5. What do you value most in a romantic relationship?
It’s pretty much the same – honesty and being there. I’d also say love – there’s got to be a spark to make the relationship work.

Bonus: Finish this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share … ”

…my darkest fears and my deepest desires.



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TMI Tuesday: Spring Time, Sexy Time

John Collier [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

John Collier [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Spring time we start to show more skin. Do you shave (e.g., legs, chest, pubic area, back) more in the spring than you did in the winter?
I do – in the spring, since I’m wearing shorts, capris, and skirts, I shave my legs every 3-4 days, and my pubic area at least once a week.

2. Do you or would you have sex with the windows open in the spring?
I would, if it were warm enough…although I’d have to be quieter than usual!

3. Does your body confidence improve as the weather gets warmer and you body is less covered?
I don’t know if I’d say it improves, but it certainly doesn’t get worse.

4. Does warmer weather turn you on?
a. Yes, I see more skin and get turned on.?
b. No, I like winter– I like to make body heat.?
c. Well, I get frisky come spring and flirt more but don’t get more sex.?
d. No! I am very self-conscious about showing more of me; warmer weather and skimpy clothes bring out my insecurities.
Definitely a). There’s just something about warm weather and skin.

5. Love, romance, and sex. For you, which of these gets better in spring?
I think romance. There’s fun outdoor things to do that are romantic – more so than in the colder months.

Bonus: Thinking of a current relationship that is important to you, what “Spring cleaning” needs to be done? Meaning– Assess what serves you–what to you want to keep, what do you want to throw away?
Hmmm…I want to keep the love, but throw away the problems.

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TMI Tuesday: Sexy You

By Alfred Stieglitz and Clarence H. White ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Alfred Stieglitz and Clarence H. White ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. How do you feel about your appearance??
a. negatively?
b. positively
Mostly b) positively.

2. Are you satisfied with your appearance?
a. yes
b. no
Mostly a) yes.

3. Are you currently doing anything to improve your self-image (i.e., exercise, therapy, weight change, new lover, cosmetic surgery)? What?
I exercise several days a week – mostly lifting weights and swimming. I really like lifting – and it’s also a great stress reducer.

4. Do you have any rules that must be adhered to either before sexual action takes place or during sex?
Hmmm…not any hard and fast rules, no. I like sex to be carefree and uninhibited.

5. Are you satisfied with your significant other’s appearance? If not what would you improve?

Bonus: What makes you feel sexy?
A lot of things make me feel sexy – I like when I’m told I look nice, or I’m beautiful, and the look in his eyes when he looks at me or the sound of his voice when he talks to me makes me feel very sexy indeed.


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