a. negatively?
b. positively
Mostly b) positively.
2. Are you satisfied with your appearance?
a. yes
b. no
Mostly a) yes.
3. Are you currently doing anything to improve your self-image (i.e., exercise, therapy, weight change, new lover, cosmetic surgery)? What?
I exercise several days a week – mostly lifting weights and swimming. I really like lifting – and it’s also a great stress reducer.
4. Do you have any rules that must be adhered to either before sexual action takes place or during sex?
Hmmm…not any hard and fast rules, no. I like sex to be carefree and uninhibited.
5. Are you satisfied with your significant other’s appearance? If not what would you improve?
Bonus: What makes you feel sexy?
A lot of things make me feel sexy – I like when I’m told I look nice, or I’m beautiful, and the look in his eyes when he looks at me or the sound of his voice when he talks to me makes me feel very sexy indeed.
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