TMI Tuesday: Significant Others, Lovers, and Such

Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Make three true “we” statements about you and your significant other.
We like to watch movies.
We both hate doing laundry.
We like going to Disneyworld.

2. What is important for your lover to know?
That sometimes I’m emotional for no real reason. That I like to be held, and cuddled, and kissed. That I need to feel loved.

3. What is important for you to know about your lover?
What they’re feeling and what pleases them.

4. Tell us two things that can make your sex life hotter?
Hmmm…more ear nibbling and more flat out fucking.

5. Which have you said to your significant other in the last 48 hours (you can pick more that one):?
a. I appreciate you?
b. I love you?
c. I am mad at you (or something similar)?
d. You hurt my feelings.?
e. Let’s fuck!
Definitely b.

6. Thinking of your current significant other or lover, are they??
a. Good enough until something better comes along.?
b. Just what you need but some tweaking, and refining would make him/her a great fit.
c. The person of your dreams, a keeper.
I’ll go with c.

Bonus: Of all the people in your family, whose death would affect you most? Why?
Of people that haven’t died yet? I would say my children. I don’t know how I would deal with one of them dying, as children aren’t supposed to die before their parents.

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