Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Would You Rather… ?

Franz von Bayros, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Franz von Bayros, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

1. If you and your significant other played “sexual truth or dare” with other couples, would you rather watch your s.o. have sex with someone or would you prefer having sex with someone in front of your s.o.?
Hmmm…that’s a tough one! I think I’d rather have sex with someone in front of him.

2. Would you rather watch your favorite porn with your sibling or read your favorite sexy erotica out loud to your parent(s)?
Oh geez…definitely watch my favorite porn with my sister.

3. To get sexually aroused, would you rather watch girl on girl porn or guy on guy porn?
I don’t care for either, but of the two I’d pick girl on girl porn.

4. Would you rather have sex with your boss, in an office conference room or masturbate at home knowing that your neighbor is watching?
Would I see my neighbor watching?  But regardless, I’d rather masturbate at home and let them watch.

5. Based on your current mood, would you rather try out new and kinky sex ideas or have romantic sex?
In my current mood, right now I’d rather do something new and kinky.

Bonus: Would you rather have three kids and no money or no kids with three million dollars?
I love my kids, but I’d rather have 3 million dollars.


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TMI Tuesday: Life: Dating, Your Body and More

Francois Edouard Picot - painting of Leda with swan

François-Édouard Picot [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What period of your life was the happiest? Why?
I think when I first went off to college. I was young, and had so much learning and exploring to do.

2. True or False. If you want a successful date, take charge–take the lead. Why?
I think that’s sometimes true. It depends on the person you’re dating, I would think.

3. True or false: Males are aggressive and assertive, and women are nurturing. Explain your answer.
Again, sometimes true. I know men who are aggressive and assertive, and men that are caring and nurturing. And I know women that fit both categories as well.

4. Is your body keeping you from a good sex life? How so?
No, I don’t think it is.

5. Smiles. Do you have a sexy smile that is different from your regular smile. Post a pic of your sexy smile or describe it for us?
I do. It’s not really so much in the smile, I think, as in the eyes.

Bonus: May is Masturbation Month. Which of these is your best benefit from masturbating:
a. helps you to relax and/or fall asleep
b. boosts self-esteem
c. combats erectile dysfunction
d. helps you know what feels good so you can tell your sex partner
It’s a) and b). A good strong orgasm can help me relax and fall asleep, but it also boosts my self esteem and makes me feel damn good.


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TMI Tuesday: May Day

Maypole in Sapporo Japan

By Daigaku2051 (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Today is couple appreciation day. What do you most appreciate about being a couple (consider current or past relationships)a
I think that there’s a conncection and a comfort level.

2. It is also Global Love Day. How can you or how will you extend love today?
By making love, of course!

3. May 1 is loyalty day as well, originally it had to do with patriotism in the United States. That meaning aside, in what ways are you loyal?
I help the people that matter to me, and stick up for them no matter what.

4. So it seems today is also Phone In Sick day. When is the last time you phoned in sick? Where you really sick? How did you spend the “sick” day?
Well, I wish I would have known that this morning! The last time I called in sick was in March. I was sick – not so sick I couldn’t probably have gone to work, but it was good to spend the entire day on the couch, wrapped in blankets, vegging out to TV and sleeping.

5. May 1, 1840 the world’s first adhesive postage stamp was issued in the United Kingdom. Who would you like to see on a postage stamp?
I would like to see Steve Jobs on a postage stamp. I think there was talk of doing it, but it never happened.

Bonus:  How was your first day of May?
It was good! It didn’t feel like May, as it was cold, but I didn’t have a day of meetings, and everything just rolled along.




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TMI Tuesday: Times Keep-a-Changin’

Woman showing her belly in pajamas.

By Robert McDonald (Flickr: Belly girl) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Does your workplace have a “casual Friday” or a day when you can dress down or out of uniform?
Not really – every day is pretty much a “casual Friday”, and people only dress up if they have important meetings.

2. Has the growth of social media and unabashed sharing of personal info on social media made you MORE or LESS cautious about your privacy?
I think more cautious. Being on social media really makes you realize how much information is out there.

3. Is gay marriage legal where you live?
Yes, it is. I thought it was legal now in all 50 states.

4. Is smoking marijuana legal where you live? Under what circumstances?
Unfortunately not yet – neither medical or recreational is. I’m hoping that it will be soon – if not I may have to move.

5. Give us a hashtag that best describes your weekend. Hashtag must be 15 letters or less.
Hmmm…probably #PizzadOut …sometimes.

Bonus:  Have you ever stalked a celebrity? Who?
I honestly never have. There are very few celebrities I think I’d want to stalk.


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TMI Tuesday: Sexual Revelations

Black and white picture of a woman disrobing.

By Willis Kent Productions [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. When did you see your first naked women that was not a family member?
Hmmm…it was probably in the locker room in junior high when we had to dress out for PE.

2. When did you see your first naked man that was not a family member?
That would have been in junior high as well.

3. What were the circumstances of each situation?
For the former,  it would have been changing and taking a shower after PE class. We were required to shower, and the shower was not separate stalls, but one room with like 6 shower heads.  For the latter, it would have been the first time I had sex.

4. At what age did you first witness sexual nudity? Was it online or in print?
That was definitely in print, when I was about 8. I remember my Dad had Playboys under the mattress, and they were something else. That was also when I discovered that Playboy did, indeed, have great fiction and read my first Stephen King short story.

5. Sexual revolution–When was yours OR It hasn’t happened yet?
Hmmm…sometimes I think it was when I went off to college, and discovered the joy of sex toys.

Bonus: What’s the best sex advice or sex education book you’ve ever read? (Yes, it must be a book, could be online but a book)
That’s a tough one – I rarely read those kinds of books…but I would say that Carrie’s Story was a bit of an education to read.



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