TMI Tuesday: Choices, Bonds & Significant Others

By Johntex (Johntex) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

By Johntex (Johntex) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Are you “in love” with your significant other or are you simply compatible? Scientist claim that being “in love” only last within the first six months of a relationship.
I would say we’re mostly compatible, and also in love, although I think that love has changed over the years.

2. Do you solve problems with your significant other (s.o.) or are you the real and only problem solver? A relationship has a stronger bond when both people in the relationship work toward resolving issues whether it be with kids, finances, management of home, etc.
I am usually the only problem solver, although, depending on what the problem is, we may solve it together.

3. If you live with your s.o. do you both do chores and have equal amount of chores in the household? Research shows resentment mounts in couples who have an imbalance in household chore duties.
Yes, we both do chores…and I would say they’re pretty equal.

4. Is your relationship meaningful to you for companionship or is it personally fulfilling?  Marriage in the U.S.A. has changed over time from being for survival (home, food), to companionate love during most of the 20th Century, to 1960s to present being about personal fulfillment.
Hmmm…I would say it’s more companionship now, and it’s changed over the years.

5. In general do people think of you as a “couple” with your s.o. or do they connect with you individually just as much as a connecting with you as a couple. (Do you feel you’ve lost your individuality since being in a serious romantic relationship?)
It depends. There are some people who only think of us as a couple, and others that connect with each of us individually.

Bonus: You are invited to a large cocktail party at a fancy country club where you know no one. When you arrive, the room where the party is being held is already half full of people–naked people. How do you react when you enter the room?
Well that would be interesting! I would take a look around and see what was going on, and then, if I decided it looked like fun and I wanted to stay and play, I’d get naked and mingle.


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Wicked Wednesday: Second Thoughts

Elihu Vedder [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Elihu Vedder [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Second thoughts are little killers
Pangs of doubt that rip my mind.
Weaving tendrils of confusion
all the questions left behind.

Tendrils wrapping all around me
twining through my thoughts and dreams.
Bringing darkness to surround me
I am lost or so it seems.

To fight the doubt is in my nature
first decisions are my guide.
I know my feelings are the right ones,
From the darkness I can hide.

A surge of strength to break the tendrils,
free my thoughts and know what’s right.
To trust my instincts are correct ones.
Basking in the truth of light.

Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Which One?

By Jaykayfit (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Jaykayfit (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Pick one and explain.

1. Would you rather have a real-life, actually working light saber or Wolverine’s claws?
Hmmm…the claws would be cool, but I think the light saber might be more useful.

2. Would you rather watch all episodes of old time TV show Ultra-man or all episodes of the original Power Rangers?
Oh, definitely Ultra-man. Those are much better than the Power Rangers.

3. Would you rather do 3 minutes of planks or run a half-mile?
Well, they both suck. But the planks wouldn’t be nearly as bad as running.

4. Would your rather bite all your significant other’s toenails or shave your head?
Totally shave my head. Hopefully it was around Halloween, and then I could go dressed as Lieutenant Ilia.

5. Which can you do better, give oral sex or finger/hand-job?
I give a mean hand-job, but I prefer to give oral sex, and I think I’m rather good at it.

6. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom, for missionary style sex?
For missionary? I like to be on the bottom then. But I do like cowgirl a lot.

Bonus: This week’s bonus question courtesy of Nero – “Have you ever masturbated to your own blog?”
No, but I hope some of my readers do.



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Wicked Wednesday: Highlights

See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

 I like to think that there are more highlights
than lowlights in my life
although I remember an equal number of both.

Surviving a roll-over accident
as a teen
was probably the largest highlight
as there would be no others
if I hadn’t.

Learning how to love myself
how to accept what I was
and what I could be.

Graduating from college
I will always remember
walking across the stage
and realizing I had opportunities ahead.

Falling in love
and being loved
which made my spirit sing.

Having my first child
not as I planned
or prepared for
was intense
and wonderful
as was having my second.

I know that there are
more highlights to come
and at some point
the highs will overtake the lows
as time goes on.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Memory Lane

By Bert Kaufmann from Roermond, Netherlands (Memory Lane) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Bert Kaufmann from Roermond, Netherlands (Memory Lane) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Let’s travel down memory lane.

1. Your current home: House? Apartment? Trailer? Condo? Other?
My current home is a house – ranch style, with a basement.

2. Which is bigger, your childhood home or your current home?
I think my current home is bigger than my childhood home…although my yard is smaller.
3. Which is better childhood home or current home? Why?
I think my current home is better now – I like my home, and I’ve made memories here.

4. What was your favorite subject in school? (consider high school, college, grad school). Why was this your favorite subject?
Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I always loved art class, but I also really liked forensic anthropology and Latin.

Art was awesome because I loved to draw, and paint, and sculpt…and I always thought I wasn’t half bad at it.

Forensic anthropology was just fascinating – I don’t think I ever learned so much in a class. I also had the opportunity to meet a coroner who REALLY loved his job…and had the pictures to prove it.

Latin was fun because we did a lot of competitions and it was easy. If things had been a bit different, I might have even become a Latin teacher.

5. Are you currently working in a field that you studied in college?
Yes, I am. Although it’s not quite what I thought I’d be doing.

6. Describe your first job.
My first job (not counting babysitting) was in high school at a fast food restaurant at the mall that we affectionately called “Beef & Barf.”  It was fun, mostly, although I had a real lecherous boss. Running the counter was easy, and if I worked the back it was preparing BBQ pork and beef sandwiches, and wrangling with a deep fryer. The worst thing was when we’d pressure cook the pork roasts, and then have to shred them by hand when they were still hot. All that grease was probably good for my hands, but it was really gross.

7. What was your favorite job and why?
I think my favorite job was as a teaching assistant in grad school. I really liked teaching labs and classes, and I often think it’s something I should have pursued.

Bonus: What haven’t we talked about in TMI Tuesday that you would like to discuss?
Hmmm…in the time I’ve been playing this, there’s been way too many topics to remember! Maybe movies, books, or foods.



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