TMI Tuesday: Important Questions

Painting of a woman getting out of bed.

By A. Rötting (Dorotheum) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. If you are on FaceBook, when was the last time you had to “unfriend” someone and why?
The last time I unfriended someone was back in the fall. I don’t do it often, but I had someone harassing me.

2. What are you addicted to?
Oh, definitely caffeine. I have to have my daily dose, or I am seriously cranky and I get horrible headaches.

3. What are the first 3 things you do every morning?
Well, let’s see…I snooze my alarm clock a time or two, I hit the bathroom, and then I have a cup of coffee or three.

4. How lucky are you and why?
I think I’m pretty lucky. I haven’t had anything I can’t handle happen to me.

5. What is one thing you’re embarrassed to admit you want to try?
There are a lot of things I want to try, but I’m not sure that I’m embarrassed to admit to any of them.

Bonus: Are you proud of what you are doing?
For the most part I would say yes.



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Wicked Wednesday: The Year 2517

graffiti of a sexy robot

By Zarateman (photo) (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

In a  year far away, twenty-five seventeen,
I imagine that sex may be odd.
It won’t be the same that we have here and now,
And I think I would feel quite awed.

Just think if you wanted attachment-free sex,
and that sex was as close as the phone.
You could call up a robot who’d be there by six
so you wouldn’t orgasm alone.

Your robot would come in a tube in your house,
and be programmed the way you desired.
The sex would be hot and he’d fuck you all night
And fulfill your desires as required.

Imagine a cock that stayed rock hard until
you just couldn’t have sex any more.
He’d allow you to rest and then fuck you again
and he’d never feel it was a chore.

He’d be well equipped with a vibrating tongue
that would feel wet and slick on your clit,
and he’d make you keep cumming again and again
until spent you would ask him to quit.

Now maybe you’d rather have virtual sex
in a room with a hologram deck,
You could program the room for your wildest desires –
the music, the people, the set.

All your twosomes and threesomes and foursomes and more
could take place in a jungle or bar
You could fuck anywhere you could think of and your
imagination could go wide and far.

If you really desired a human’s true touch
on your lips and neck or deep inside,
Your bedroom would be an oasis of lust
and you’d go on a real wild ride.

Your bed would be air, and you’d hover and float
while you fucked to your heart’s desire
And you’d rest on the air before fucking again
And your passion would reach even higher.

You’d have so many options for mind blowing sex
in the year twenty five seventeen,
A wide open menu of fantasy, love, and
delights like you never have seen.



Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Digging Deep

Woman touching herself over fishnets and a corset.

By Dani_vr from A Coruña, España (Eros Galicia – Sensual caricia) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. The last time you had sex, was it urgent or essential? Consider masturbation or sex with a partner.
Both. It was necessary, and extremely urgent. When you gotta orgasm, you gotta orgasm.

2. What should you stop doing? Why?
Probably a lot of things. One thing would be skipping gym day.

3. What makes you feel strongest? Sexiest?
Strongest? I think when I have things under control and everything’s going how I planned. What makes me feel sexiest is when I hear words that make me feel good, and wanted.

4. When do you feel vulnerable?
When I open up, as I’m always afraid that I’ll get hurt.

5. What is missing from your sex life?
I would say hard, driving sex.

Bonus: If you left your current lover, what would you miss the most?
I think I’d miss the easy companionship the most.



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Wicked Wednesday: Space

The never built space station Freedom, picture by NASA

The never built space station Freedom, by NASA, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Sex in space would be interesting, I think. Kissing and touching would be fine as you floated weightless around the room, which hopefully only had round corners and no sharp objects. The gentle spinning around and around would be pleasurable.

But can you imagine trying to fuck? Without gravity, you’d have to thrust as you pushed off of a wall, and it would be deep penetration. I could squeeze myself around your cock, but we’d have to strap on gravity boots – or at least one of us would, to get the motions right. I think it could be fun in a weightless environment, although it could get messy.

And it certainly would be quieter than normal, because in space no one would hear me scream.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Would You Rather… ?

Franz von Bayros, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Franz von Bayros, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

1. If you and your significant other played “sexual truth or dare” with other couples, would you rather watch your s.o. have sex with someone or would you prefer having sex with someone in front of your s.o.?
Hmmm…that’s a tough one! I think I’d rather have sex with someone in front of him.

2. Would you rather watch your favorite porn with your sibling or read your favorite sexy erotica out loud to your parent(s)?
Oh geez…definitely watch my favorite porn with my sister.

3. To get sexually aroused, would you rather watch girl on girl porn or guy on guy porn?
I don’t care for either, but of the two I’d pick girl on girl porn.

4. Would you rather have sex with your boss, in an office conference room or masturbate at home knowing that your neighbor is watching?
Would I see my neighbor watching?  But regardless, I’d rather masturbate at home and let them watch.

5. Based on your current mood, would you rather try out new and kinky sex ideas or have romantic sex?
In my current mood, right now I’d rather do something new and kinky.

Bonus: Would you rather have three kids and no money or no kids with three million dollars?
I love my kids, but I’d rather have 3 million dollars.


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