1. Where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?
Hmmm…that I’ve been to? I think Yellowstone is beautiful, with its morning glory pools, geysers, and waterfalls.
2. How old is the most expired item in your fridge?
I did find a jar of pasta sauce that expired in January…of this year. Usually I use it up, but it got buried in back.
3. What’s under your bed?
Other than dust bunnies? There are boxes of out of season clothes and shoes, that I’ll be going through in another month or so to swap out the closets.
4. What is in your pocket?
I’m wearing a dress today, so I have no pockets.
5. Which famous person would you like to be best-friends with? Why?
There are a few, but I think it’d be cool to be best friends with Bruce Campbell. He is awesome, and seems like he’s got quite a sense of humor.
6. There is now a line of lacy lingerie for men. Would you wear it or like to see your man in it? See here and here.
I like the boxers better than the briefs, but I think I’d leave it up to him – if he really wanted to wear them, I’d be ok with it.
Bonus: Think The Olympics. Men’s gymnastic uniforms–sexy or goofy? Discuss!
I think they’re kind of goofy – I really dislike the pants (the shirt and shorts are fine) – they remind me of those awful MC Hammer parachute pants back in the 80s. I’d much rather see muscled legs.
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