Well, let’s see. Last night I had trouble sleeping, and I woke up early. I was having some pretty erotic dreams, and when I opened my eyes I could feel my clit throbbing. I touched myself, and I was wet, and really needing to cum. I thought about masturbating where I was, but the shower makes things more private, so I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, and let it warm up, then stepped inside. My nipples were hard, and I squeezed my breasts under the running water before my right hand wend down to touch and rub my clit. I was incredibly aroused, and I closed my eyes and leaned against the shower wall while I moved my finger faster and harder until I came, the water pouring down my body. I stayed in the shower for a while after that, and then it was time to get ready for work. It was a good way to start the day.
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