Wicked Wednesday: View

By NASA/JPL-Caltech/2MASS/B. Whitney (SSI/University of Wisconsin) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By NASA/JPL-Caltech/2MASS/B. Whitney (SSI/University of Wisconsin) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The most amazing view that I have seen
Is outside in the darkness of the night.
Away from town I’ve found myself between
The heavens and the land – it’s such a sight.

No light pollution to disrupt the view,
I lie upon a blanket on the sand.
The stars above me number quite a few,
I lose myself, the cosmos is so grand.

I stare into the present and the past,
I find the constellations that I know.
I wonder at the space so dark and vast,
And what might lurk within this wide tableau.

I squeeze your hand, for I am not alone,
But here with you below the starry sky.
You are my love, my life, my cornerstone,
A tear of happiness falls from my eye.

We share this moment, then we turn to kiss.
To love on earth beneath the stars and moon.
Our energy is strong, and filled with bliss,
We let our bodies and our souls attune.

This is the view I want, of you: your face,
The love and the desire deep in your eyes.
And shining in the starlight’s cold embrace,
The melding of our hearts, our minds, our cries.

I want you and I’ll never let you go,
I love you even more than you can know.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

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