Wicked Wednesday: (Good) Morning

Paul Gustav Fischer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Paul Gustav Fischer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I’m not a morning person. At all. Even when I was young, I much preferred to stay up late and sleep in than get up early in the morning. In college, I was always up late, partying, studying, you name it.  Of course, having kids changes all that, and rising early becomes a necessity. So, a typical weekday morning:

  • Hit the snooze four or five times.
  • Crawl out of bed into the bathroom and brush my teeth.
  • Stumble into the kitchen for the first of many cups of coffee.
  • Take a shower after waking up enough with the coffee to not fall asleep in the shower.
  • Get ready for work in a semi-conscious state.
  • Drink a few more cups of coffee before heading out the door.

Weekends are pretty much the same, although usually no snooze button and no getting ready for work.

What makes mornings tolerable? Copious amounts of strong coffee and a hot shower. I’m definitely not awake enough to masturbate…usually.

But it would be nice to be woken from sleep, gently, with a hand between my legs and lips nuzzling my neck…that would lead to a very good morning indeed.


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Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

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