Category Archives: HNT

Wicked Wednesday: Fairytales

apple1 Once upon a time….for all fairytales begin this way….a woman blossomed out of innocence…her sexuality awakened…and things were good for a time…but when temptation came, and she was offered the apple, she considered it, and then bit….and chewed its flesh as its juices ran down her chin and onto her breasts…down to mingle with her own sweetness within…she collapsed into sleep, the apple’s flesh still on her tongue, the juices drying on her skin….hoping to be awakened by the one she loved….the one she desired above all others…who would lick the sweetness from within her and from her skin… and smother her in kisses….before that final kiss that would bring her back to life….and fire her love anew…..

Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

Wicked Wednesday: First Time

The first time….late at night, you took me out on the field….I was young and naive, and didn’t know….and you hurt me….but you did awaken me….and I will always remember that night in the grass, with the stars watching us…



Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

Wicked Wednesday: Senses

I like to see….to look into your eyes as I please you, and you make me cum….I like when you blindfold me as well, as my other senses are heightened….

I hear the music in the background….the clink of the chain….I smell the scent of the candles, heady and strong….I feel your hands move over my body….the press of your fingers….the caress of the whip…..I can taste the heat in the air….myself on your fingertips as you place them in my mouth….



Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

Wicked Wednesday: Hate

I hate when the power goes out….and I’m alone….just me, and a candle to light the way….burning with desire…..



Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

Wicked Wednesday: White

White…not virginal….not pure….not innocent….but diaphanous…heavenly….a canvas on which to paint your desires…


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked