Felt its warm and kind embrace
And wanted you for my own.
To stare into your soulful eyes
It doesn’t come as a surprise
My love for you has grown.
Twenty-one times I’ve longed for you
For you to touch me as you do
And take me as your own.
From in my head down through my toes
From in my heart and to my nose
Longing like I’ve never known.
Twenty-one times I’ve felt your touch
My skin on fire, almost too much
The way you make me feel.
From kisses down my neck and throat
To places even more remote
The feeling is surreal.
Twenty-one times I’ve cum for you
While making love I know how to
Take you, make you mine.
The fire that burns within our souls
It doesn’t ebb but crests and rolls
And it’s a powerful sign.
Twenty-one times I’ve cried your name
I’ve heard you often do the same
Our voices joining in the dark.
Where one begins the other ends
It never breaks but sways and bends
And you have left your mark.
Twenty-one times you’ve made me cry
I’ve dreaded that you’ll say goodbye
And leave me sad and lonely.
I won’t go through this life alone
You are the brightest light I’ve known
You are my one and only.
Twenty-one times my love for you
Has known no bounds and yes, it’s true
I love you now and forever.
Our souls are joined within the void,
And love like this can’t be destroyed
Nor will it ever sever.