1. You want to make love, but your partner says they’re too tired:
A. You’re annoyed and frustrated.
B. It’s a bummer, but you understand they’ve had a long day.
C. You give your partner an awkwardly long hug and say you’re happy to wait. It’s better when you’re both into it.
D. You get nervous and worried. Maybe your partner is cheating or doesn’t think you’re attractive anymore.
B. We all have long days – and there’s no reason I can’t masturbate and take care of myself if need be.
2. Who is having better sex? You or your best friends?
A. I am, obviously.
B. We don’t talk about our sex lives. Ever.
C. We all have our good times and bad times. We don’t usually compare.
D. My friends have all the good sex. I can’t keep up.
C. I talk about sex with my best friend, but we don’t really compare, per se.
3. How do you feel right after sex?
A. Sweaty and ready to shower. A little gross.
B. Satisfied and energized. Ready to take on the world.
C. Calm and happy, falling asleep.
D. A bit let down and tired.
Hmmm…it depends. Usually C, I think, especially if I’ve cum a few times. But I also do like to take a shower after.
4. Which is better? Being a man or woman?
A. Men have it so much easier?
B. Women have it so much easier
C. I’m having too much fun being me to worry about it.?
D. Is there really much of a difference?
I don’t know, honestly. I think men and women have it easier with different things.
5. You and your partner had sex that wasn’t that good. You:
A. Don’t say anything. Everyone has an off day.?
B. Complain or drop hints that things better improve.?
C. Consider whether you should break up. Sex is the glue to a good relationship.
D. Discuss it immediately and see if there is anything you should be doing differently.
Usually A. It’ll probably be obvious to both of us that it wasn’t that great. And if something’s really off, we’d probably talk about it during sex and not afterwards.
6. What advice do you wish you had when you started having sex?
A. Sex is a great thing–healthy and fun.?
B. A proper tour of the reproductive parts as errogenous zones and not from a biology point of view. Bodies are really strange and getting to know them can be awkward.?
C. Sex is a beautiful thing but be careful to protect your body from STD’s and pregnancy or you won’t have as much fun.?
D. Enjoy sex while you can, because it gets worse as you get older.
I think A. When I grew up, sex ed was weird in school (and certainly nothing as explicit as what they’re teaching now). I don’t mean explicit in a bad way – I think it’s great what they are willing to talk about in class, and thankful that my kids don’t hesitate to ask me about anything. But when I had it in school, it was just the bare biology, and no one ever said that it would be fun, or healthy, or good at all for that matter.
Bonus: What will your sex life be like when you’re 70 years old?
A. I can’t imagine having sex when I get wrinkly.?
B. Probably a little sex here and there.?
C. Hopefully my years of knowledge and hard work in the bedroom will pay off when I am having good sex in my 70’s.
Well, definitely C. I think it will be different, and maybe not quite so crazy and energetic (although there’s hope), but still fun and something I’ll want to do.
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