TMI Tuesday: Questions

©2016, Sammi Lou Thorne

©2016, Sammi Lou Thorne

1. True or False: Falling in love is a serious thing to do? Explain.
rue. You don’t just fall in and out of love – it’s a huge emotional commitment.

2. Finish this sentence: I never knew _pain and joy____ like this.

3. Would you rather swim with sharks that you know have recently bitten people or swallow live worms? Why did you make that choice?
I would swallow live worms, I think. Sharks terrify me, and I’m sure they’d be biting me in no time…how many worms would I have to swallow?

4. What is beautiful and most appealing about you?
Hmmm….I think my smile. When I’m truly happy and I smile, I’ve been told it lights up my eyes.

5. What time is it RIGHT NOW? What were you doing before you started to play TMI Tuesday?
Right now it’s 7:08PM. I was having dinner before starting to play TMI Tuesday tonight – ham, cheese, mushroom, and onion omelettes, and bacon on the side.

Bonus: Are you a little bit damaged? How so?
Of course – isn’t everyone? So many factors go into damaging someone…I’d say I’m more damaged emotionally than physically.



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Wicked Wednesday: New Start

By Photos public [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Photos public [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Last year had lots of highs and lows,
Some good times and some bad.
So many days I was happy,
And many I was sad.

A new year now has just begun,
I’m ready to start fresh.
It matters quite a bit to me
how well my plans will mesh.

I’ve made my resolutions
That I hope to keep this year.
I’ll try my best to keep them
And I know that I’m sincere.

I want to get in better shape
and hit the gym each day.
By lifting weights and swimming
I’ll feel better anyway.

I hope to do more writing
of erotica and horror,
And have more stories published
maybe three or maybe four.

I also want to change some things
that damage me, my life.
I want to be unstressed and free
from all this needless strife.

I need to be more sexual
and open, loving: honest.
To drop my fear and shyness
and be daring  like I promised.

I hope to keep a few of these,
succeed this year, to start.
I think my setting goals this way
Will help the pain depart.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Happy New Year!

By Tiia Monto (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Tiia Monto (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. How is your year going?
Well, considering it’s just 3 days in, I’d say pretty good.

2. Did you go out on NYE or have a New Year’s day celebration?
No, although I would have liked to! I stayed home and watched some movies and ate some snacks, and tried in vain to actually see the new year in…i was close though.

3. Ahh yes, those pesky New Year’s Resolutions. How did you do with your 2016 NY resolutions–did you keep them??
Some of them.

  • I did keep up with studying – not as much as I wanted to, but enough to feel like I learned a lot.
  • I didn’t really post more on my blog, but I didn’t post less.
  • I have kept writing, although I didn’t submit as many stories as I wanted to – but I do intend to be better about that this year.
  • I did get in better shape…again, not as much as I wanted to, but definitely an improvement over the previous year.
  • And I did up my bench press and squats quite a bit. I haven’t stopped being afraid, either, but I feel like I made progress.

4. Year 2017, are you carrying over any resolutions from 2016? What?
All of them, actually. They were good resolutions, and I want to do better keeping them this year.

5. What new experiences are you planning to have or hoping to have in 2017?
I’ll be traveling out of the country for the first time, and I’m very excited for that.

Bonus: Did you see fireworks on New Year’s eve? (Take that anyway you want :-p )
On TV, yes. And you can take that any way you want 🙂

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Wicked Wednesday: Christmas Carol

By Tomáš Petr? from Martin, Slovakia (Me and you (the original is in colour)) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Tomáš Petr? from Martin, Slovakia (Me and you (the original is in colour)) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Angels have heard me on high
Screaming as I cum this night.
Hearing you cum in reply,
Echoing my sheer delight.

Oh I’m crying to the heavens.
Oh I’m crying to the heavens.

I love to feel your tongue on me,
And your fingers deep inside.
I cry out so joyously,
Cum in waves like the high tide.

Oh I’m crying to the heavens.
Oh I’m crying to the heavens.

Teasing me with laps and licks,
Fucking me with your hard cock.
I just need my daily fix,
Feel from you the aftershock.

Oh I’m crying to the heavens.
Oh I’m crying to the heavens.

You complete me every day,
Angels look down from above.
We will long go on this way,
Raising up our hearts in love.

Oh I’m crying to the heavens.
Oh I’m crying to the heavens.



Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Surviving The Holidays

Christmas 2016 ©2016, Sammi Lou Thorne

Christmas 2016 ©2016, Sammi Lou Thorne

This holiday season I noticed an abundance of articles dedicated to “surviving” the holidays. How have you survived the holiday season? What thing or situation did you feel you needed to survive?
I have survived the season successfully this year. I started all my baking and sewing early (although it wasn’t really early enough for the sewing – and I really thought August would be), and got everything mailed and done by the 23rd. I also had all my gifts wrapped by midday on the 24th, so I didn’t have to spend all night wrapping.  The holidays are always a bit rough – my dad died several years ago right before my birthday and Christmas, and it makes for a bit of a sad time – and I tend to overcompensate by baking.

Bonus: What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Day?
Well, not much. New Year’s Eve will probably be a movie marathon – I haven’t decided on the series yet – and New Year’s Day will be taking down all of the Christmas decorations and storing them for next year.

I hope everyone has had a good holiday season, and here’s to a Happy New Year!

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