TMI Tuesday: Questions

Kanamara Festival large pink penis

By stealth3327 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Can a penis be too big?
Not that I’ve run into, but I suppose it’s possible.

2. Can a vagina be too tight?
This one I can’t really answer, but I would imagine it’s possible.

3. Does playing with fake tits give you the same satisfaction and response as fondling real breasts?
I don’t know – I’ve never played with fake tits. I will say that playing with dildos is not as satisfying as playing with real penises.

4. Fill in the blank: I prefer _nothing_ over having sex.

5. If a stranger offered you 30 USD to lick your boots or shoes, while you are wearing them, would you accept? If no, how much money would it take for you to accept the offer?
Hmmm…where would I be licking them? on the top? Maybe. On the bottom? No way. It’d take a cool million for me to lick the bottoms.

Bonus: No bonus question today unless you want to share something, anything. Have a great rest of the week.
Hmmm…I’ve been crazy busy lately too, so I don’t have a lot to share. Let’s see…Costa Rica was awesome and I want to go back…I am not fluent in Spanish by any means, but I was able to understand some and speak a little, mas o menos. The sights were absolutely amazing, and it is truly a country that I think everyone should visit. Oh, and I came home with a suitcase full of coffee. Pura Vida!


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Wicked Wednesday: Bond

We have a bond…
And it may bend
But it will never break.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

Wicked Wednesday: Titanic

Titanic at the dock

See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

A voyage heavy with wonder…
No Trepidition
of what would be.

Lovers enchanted…
while watching the sea.

Making love in their cabin…
looking in each other’s eyes.

Would either survive…
not to die but to thrive.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: This One or That One

pile of greek money

By Old_greek_money.jpg: Jon Eben Fieldderivative work: Andrzej 22 (Old_greek_money.jpg) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Choose what you most desire or would like to have or try?

1. Pilates or HIIT? Why?
Pilates – I’ve never tried it, but I’d like to.

2. Spouse or significant other-lover?

3. Go clubbing or entertain friends at home?
I like both, but I’ll pick clubbing.

4. Maybach sedan or Mercedes G-class SUV
That SUV is pretty ugly, but it would be way more useful than the sedan.

5. Soccer or Golf?
Do I have to pick one? I guess if it’s something I’m going to do and not watch, I’ll go with golf, but I could easily pick neither.

6. Basketball or baseball?
To watch, I’d pick baseball. To play, I’d pick basketball.

7. Monster or Red bull? Why?
I have no idea – I’ve never had either one. I guess the one with the best taste and most caffeine?

8. Office with a view or work at home?
Oh, definitely work at home. I think the view would be just fine from my home office window.

9. Early bird or night owl?
I’m a night owl at heart.

10. Boyfriend or Girlfriend?
I guess if I was going to have one or the other, it’d be a girlfriend.

11. Ice cream or gelato?
Definitely ice cream.

12. Silver or gold?
I’m partial to gold.

Bonus: Money or fame? Why?
Money for me. Fame doesn’t always lead to money, and can lead to notoriety. But with money, and lots of it, I could make more money and have what I wanted.



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Wicked Wednesday: Vintage Art

The woman walked through the gallery
Admiring  the art that she did see.
When suddenly she stopped in shock
And paused her afternoon art walk.

For hanging there upon the wall
A portrait that was seen by all,
Enclosed in an ornate silver frame
A picture of immense acclaim.

She pursed her lips and viewed the scene
Of a nude girl who seemed to preen.
As she bent over, let’s be frank,
She had a firm, round ass to spank.

And wearing only high black boots
That accentuated firm, toned glutes,
She waited patiently for him
To strike her upturned ass again.

The elder woman gave a chuckle
Chewing on her ungloved knuckle
Staring at the painting fraught
With sexuality not forgot.

She caught my eye and chuckled more
I thought her knuckle must be sore
And I decided I must ask
What she found shocking, yet a gas.

“The painting doesn’t shock per se,”
She told me in her quiet way.
“What shocked me was I saw it here.
I haven’t seen it in many a year.”

Confusion covered up my face,
She touched my hand and closed the space.
“You see,” she said, with a bit of glee,
“That woman in the painting’s me.”

I couldn’t quite hide my surprise,
And looking deep into my eyes
She nodded, blushed, and said “It’s true,
I wonder if you wished it you.”

And all that I could do was nod,
And smile at her, as I was awed.
I didn’t have much more to say,
So I stepped back and walked away.

I left her lost in reverie
Reliving a good memory.
Her spirit lifted for the day,
And I hoped it would stay that way.


Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked