TMI Tuesday: It’s Tricky…

pile of greek money

By Old_greek_money.jpg: Jon Eben Fieldderivative work: Andrzej 22 (Old_greek_money.jpg) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Is falling in love effortless?
I think it can be. There’s falling in love without a thought, which is intense, and then there’s falling in love after a period of time, which is slow-burning but probably more lasting.

2. Is your significant other most like your mom or your dad?
I would say more like my Dad.

3. Which parent do you identify with most?
I identify most with my Dad.

4. What one thing are you lacking that you believe will make your life run smoother?
Honestly? I big, heaping pile of money.  That would make my life run a lot smoother, indeed.

5. Which is sexier: constantly pushing the boundaries or playing by the rules?
Hmmm…..I think pushing the boundaries can be sexier, although I think it depends on just how far they’re being pushed.

Bonus: Do you think confessions make a relationship stronger?
Not really. I mean, why are you confessing? Do you feel guilty, or is it something else?  And what are you confessing? There are some things that should never be confessed, and some things that are better left unsaid.


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Wicked Wednesday: Traditional

photo of a woman with an open shirt in a darkened room

By Giulia Ciappa from Firenze (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

I used to think that I was a traditional young girl,
With modest clothing on my bod and in my hair a curl,
I looked at men demurely with my eyes cast to the ground,
And in mixed company I rarely uttered any sound.

But then one day I met you and my world turned upside down,
I couldn’t take my eyes off you and I thought I would drown
in your blue eyes, so bottomless, and so deeply compelling,
I felt a stirring in my cunt, my clit was slowly swelling.

You opened up my eyes and showed me pure sexual feeling,
You made love to my mind and I began to find the healing.
You taught me how to dress to please you and myself as well,
And finally I was free from my restricted, cloistered hell.

I celebrate the woman that you helped me to become,
My appetite’s awakened, I no longer feel numb.
I’m sexy and I’m confident, and everyone  can see
My sexual awakening has really transformed me.


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Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Tell It To Us Straight Or Sexy…

painting of two friends

By Petrona Viera ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. One thing that you will never do again?
Oh, that’s easy – ziplining. I went for the first time in Costa Rica, and I was terrified. I was holding on so hard to the cables holding me in the air that I got “zipline elbow” and lost the feeling in my thumb and 2 fingers on my right hand for 2 days – it was a horrible, nasty tingle. It took about 2 weeks for the tingling to go away and my hand to be completely normal.

2. Who knows you the best?
I’m not sure if anyone really knows me well at all, but probably my best friend.

3. Do you think a relationship should be 50/50 all the time?
Not all of the time, but it should try and come close. If it’s something like 70-30 or 80-20 for an extended period of time, I think it can breed a lot of resentment.

4. When was your most recent act of kindness? Was it appreciated?
My most recent act would be helping my friend explain what she wanted to buy at a local store. There was a bit of a language barrier with the clerk but I got it straightened out, and my friend definitely appreciated it.

5. Are you a good friend? Why or why not?
I think that I am. I’m a good listener, I can keep secrets, and I really try to be supportive.

6. What is something that you tried really hard to like but just couldn’t?
I think there’s a lot of things that would fit here – but I think I’ll go with current pop music.  I just can’t tell the singers apart, and the songs are way too interchangeable to me.

Bonus: How was your month of July? Did you do anything fun, interesting, new?
July was a lot of fun! My garden is growing nicely, and I just got back from a trip where I was able to go kayaking for the 2nd time (and I capsized for the first time, which wasn’t fun at all, but I did find out that my waterproof phone case is truly waterproof as advertised).


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Wicked Wednesday: Lust

woman as sex object

By Gabriel S. Delgado C. from Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela (Sentir / Feel) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

I want you badly
So much so I can hardly stand it
I want to feel your tongue in my mouth
Your hands all over my body
Your hard cock deep inside me
Fucking me through the night
Until I cum over and over.
My lust knows no bounds.

Check out the other Wicked Wednesday posts!
Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

TMI Tuesday: Free Yourself…

a tired seamstress

Angelo Trezzini [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What do you need to learn but won’t admit to?
Hmmm…you know, if I list it here, I’m admitting to it, right? One thing I need to learn is patience. I have a rather short supply of it.

2. If you could erase one event from your life, which one would you choose? Briefly describe the event, tell us why you would erase it.
I would erase not pursuing a job offer I had many years ago. I would erase the doubts that I had and go for it, because it would have been a phenomenal opportunity and it would have really changed my life

3. Who drains your energy, and why do you let it happen?
A lot of people drain my energy – I let it happen because I’m honestly too tired to deal with it.

4. Do your practice ‘self-love’ or ‘self-loathing’?
A little bit of both, I think, but more self-love. Especially if you’re talking about masturbation….well, then it’s a lot more self-love.

5. What must you do daily to keep yourself ‘sane’?
A bit of meditation, and some time where I just totally clear my head and my mind and not think about the day. A glass of wine doesn’t hurt either.

BonusWho do you blame?
No one more than myself.


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