Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Fill In The Blanks

By S.Krüll (eigene Datei) [CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

By S.Krüll (eigene Datei) [CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

1. My favorite part of my current daily routine is going to class right after lunch . I am still taking Japanese, and I like having class earlier in the day.

2. Angel Soft toilet paper is okay.

3. Twirling my hair around my finger and biting my lip are my nervous habits.

4. Today I am thankful for not feeling like I’m still on fire . Last night I took too much niacin, and I thought I was literally going to burst into flames.

5. I cannot wait to go on vacation to Florida this Christmas.

6. Three things I’m looking forward to this fall are: Halloween, the first Japanese Language Club meeting, and the new season of American Horror Story .

7. I want to dress in a little black dress for a sexy night out .

8. My best friend is an important person in my life .

Bonus: Would you take advice from a porn star? If yes, what type if advice would you like to hear.
Sure, why not? I’d like some advice on blow jobs, satisfaction, and just general bedroom suggestions.


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TMI Tuesday: Sexy Is…

By Janine from Mililani, Hawaii, United States (sexy ichigoUploaded by Fæ) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Janine from Mililani, Hawaii, United States (sexy ichigoUploaded by Fæ) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

TMI Tuesday is sexy. What else is sexy?

1. What is your kissing technique?
Hmm…well, i like a lot of lip contact, and light biting, and tongue…lots of tongue.

2. When do you feel most sexy?
I think when I’m dressed up for a party – I look good, and feel good, and I’m confident.

3. Which of these most resembles you?
a. I exude male sexiness?
b. He-man, think sexy lumberjack
c. Call me the Ladies Man?

d. Curvy, sexy and all woman?
e. Tomboy, kitten with a whip type?
f. Girl next-door?

g. Sexy nerd?
Ha – there’s a couple of those that fit me, but I think over all e) Tomboy, kitten with a whip type

4. What makes for a sexy meal?
Usually I find wine or champagne with fruits (strawberries, grapes, and maybe melon slices) and cream to be pretty sexy. Spaghetti can be pretty sexy too…especially if you’re sharing a noodle.

5. What are some of your seduction techniques?
I like to kiss and nibble ears…that can turn someone on pretty quickly.

6. What’s sexier? Why?
a. beer?
b. wine?
c. mixed alcoholic beverage?

d. iced tea?
I think wine is sexy, although there are some mixed drinks that can be sexy as well (sex on the beach or an orgasm, anyone?)

Bonus: Are you hot as in sexy? How can you share your sexiness with the world?
I think so. I can share some of my sexiness with the stories I write and some of the posts I make on my blog.

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TMI Tuesday: Labor Day

By Phillip Capper [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Phillip Capper [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Today is Labor Day in the U.S.A. Millions of Americans are not working today in observance of the holiday. Millions of Americans are working today so that those of us on holiday can enjoy ourselves dining out, shopping, and have access to parks and various festivals and parades. Thank you for that. Let’s celebrate all workers all over the world. Happy TMI Tuesday!

1. Best thing and worst thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is that I enjoy it. I have a great boss and easy-to-work with coworkers, so I don’t hate going to work. The worst thing is probably that I have to work a five day workweek, and I don’t get paid for any overtime.

2. This Labor Day, you are filling a cooler for a date at the beach. What are you putting in it?
A nice Pinot Grigio, some wine glasses, strawberries, grapes, and a variety of cheeses.

3. Sex, which is it?
a. work
b. play
c. necessity

It can be all 3, really. But I think it’s mostly necessary play.

4. Best thing and worst thing about your sex life?
The best thing is that I can cum faster now than at any point earlier in my life. The worst thing is I don’t cum nearly enough.

5. Were you in a sorority or fraternity? Did you have a good sorority/fraternity experience?
Ha – well, yes, I was in a sorority…for about a month. I didn’t realize how restrictive it would be, the girls I didn’t get along with very well, the meals were at weird times so I was always missing a decent dinner or lunch, and to top it off, even though the house was huge and there weren’t enough girls to fill all the rooms as singles, they wouldn’t let you have your own room. I was sharing a room in the dorms at the time (which thankfully only lasted the first semester), and I really didn’t want to have to deal with another stranger and her habits. So, I would say it wasn’t a good experience. After I got out (my father finagled that one), I lived happily in the dorms as part of Gamma Delta Iota (God-Damned Independents) until I got my first apartment.

6. Did being in a sorority or fraternity help you get a job or help your career in any way?
No – it didn’t do a thing for me. I don’t know if it would have helped or not, but I think other connections I made in my field helped substantially.

Bonus: Did you ever show your tits or flash your penis to sorority or fraternity sisters or brothers?
To sorority sisters or fraternity brothers? No….not to either of those groups….


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TMI Tuesday: Sexy Stories

For this week’s TMI Tuesday write and title your sexual biography, in 250 words or less. Feel free to illustrate as well.

I love sex. I haven’t always, but as I got older, I realized it could be an amazing experience. Tender, rough, uplifting, spiritual, energizing and draining are just some of the words that come to mind. I’ve tried a lot of things, although there are some things still on my list. When I was younger, I didn’t experiment much, but the more time has passed, the more I’ve opened my eyes and learned to express my desires, to take what I need, and to give what is wanted. I love oral sex the most, both to give and receive, but there’s nothing quite like a good hard fuck. I love to be teased, played with, and restrained; I enjoy toys, and roses, and whipped cream with strawberries, and champagne. I want to please and be pleased, and not be judged; I want to share my thoughts, my hopes, my love.

Bonus: Have you ever masturbated on public transportation? Why?
Hmm…masturbated on public transportation, no…


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TMI Tuesday: Language

Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1526/1530–1569) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Tower of Babel – Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1526/1530–1569) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1.Do you speak any languages other than English? (English first only because the blog is mostly in English.)
Not well, no. I can speak a smattering of Spanish, a few words of Polish, and a bit of Japanese. And a very small amount of Klingon.

2. If you answered yes above, would you describe yourself as fluent? Which was your first language?
I don’t consider myself fluent in anything but English at the moment, but I’d like to be fluent in a few other languages.

3. Did you study a foreign language in school (including college or University)? How much do you remember? Has it been useful to you? Can you speak it, or only read it?
I did – I took Latin for most of high school and a bit in college. I remember quite a bit of it – even though it’s a pretty dead language, it’s remarkably useful for English. I can speak it sparingly, but I can read it fairly well.

I took Spanish back in junior high, and I remember some – my teacher used to say that the most important phrases were “dame una cerveza por favor”, and “donde esta el trono?”.  I speak a bit, although my comprehension isn’t the best, and I can read it some.

I’m currently taking Japanese, and going into my third semester. I’ve been studying what we learned the first year, and think I’m remembering it fairly well. It hasn’t been useful yet, but it will be if I ever make it over to Japan. I’m working on speaking it – certain subjects are much easier than others. Reading it is a bit tough, but there are several websites where I try and read the news, and some where I pull up the menus – it would be easier if I knew more of the kanji, but when they use kana I can sound it out and figure out the meaning with varying degrees of success.

4. If you were going to learn another language, which one would you want to study?
Japanese was the one I picked last year just for run, but I also want to study Chinese, Russian, and German.

5. Do you have relatives who speak a language different from your own?
One set of grandparents spoke Polish, and my other grandparents spoke Lithuanian.

6. Have you been to a country where you don’t know the language? How well did you cope?
I haven’t – I’m not sure how well I’d do, even visiting countries where I do know a bit of the language. I will say that learning a new language gives you a better appreciation of those visiting our country who are trying out their English.


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