Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Your Bucket List

Albert Anker [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Albert Anker [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. If you died tomorrow, to whom would you leave all your worldly possessions?
I would leave everything to my husband and children.

2. What did you like to play as a child?
Oh, lots of things. My favorite board games were Cap the Hat and Monopoly, but I also liked to play outside with the neighborhood kids, things like cops and robbers, etc.

3. Have you ever gone on a rampant sex spree while depressed??
No, I’ve never done that. I am much more likely to go on a rampant sex spree when I’m happy.

4. Do you mind if your partner wants to have porn videos playing while the two of you are having sex?
Not at all. I don’t mind having porn playing, and I’m usually the one that picks the porn to watch and listen to.

5. What is the sexiest thing you did last week?
Hmmm…I think that would be wearing a new, somewhat tight shirt to work, with lacy bra underneath.

Bonus: You have to give your lover a report card about your last sexual encounter.?
– What would they score? A B C D F?  
I would give them an A.

– What could he/she improve upon?
More oral…most definitely!

– For what would your lover be reprimanded for doing during sex?
There’s not much I would reprimand them for…maybe not fucking me hard enough?

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TMI Tuesday: Have A Terrific Tuesday

painting of jupiter seducing olympia

Giulio Romano [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Have you ever been so loud having sex that housemates/neighbors commented or complained?
Yes, on many occasions. One time someone told me they thought some cats were going at it under the window, and another time I was asked what horror movie I was watching, as there was so much screaming.

2. Ever had kids or parents bust in on you in the middle of full on sex?
I’ve never had either burst in, but I have had kids knock on the door, which is a major mood killer/panic.

3. Have you ever licked or sucked on someone else’s feet and/or toes? Was it your request or theirs?
I have sucked on toes before, and it was on their request. I didn’t mind, as their feet were clean, and it’s fun. I’ve had my toes sucked, and it’s such an arousing sensation, I’d hire a full-time toe-sucker if I could.

4. Describe your typical sexual romp:?
a. You are playful and tame
b. You have introduced a few things like outfits and toys
c. You love trying new things and shocking your partner
d. Keep it simple–missionary, lube, sleep.
Hmm…my preference is b) and c). I’ve introduced more than a few toys, and I have a fairly large lingerie collection. I don’t know about shocking my partner, but I do love trying new things. Both a and d can also be fun on occasions.

5. Speaking of lube–what is your favorite lube for sex and why?
There’s quite a few I like. To name just a few: Sex Tarts are fun for oral sex (they’ve got some really good flavors), Wicked Aqua is great for sex, System JO is good for anal, and Jopen Essence and Sliquid are fun with toys. I’ve tried a lot of lubes, and there’s many others, but these are probably my current favorites.

Bonus: What are you looking forward to this week?
I’m looking forward to Friday. I have the day off, and I really need a 3-day weekend!

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TMI Tuesday: Sex Confessions

Pietro Longhi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Pietro Longhi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Have you ever devoted an entire day to sex and sexual activity (with breaks for eating, etc)? Was it planned or spontaneous? Any kinky fun?
I have, several times. Most often, such days are planned, on a weekday, and they often involve pulling out the bondage furniture, bondage accessories, and fucking until we can’t fuck any more. That’s just a temporary state, though, as we can continue after a break. There’s really nothing better than planning an entire day of sex.

2. Have you had sex simultaneously with two or more people in a private residence? Did you know them well or was it a setup casual encounter?
No, I’ve never done that, but I’d be open to it.

3. Have you gone out in public wearing an anal plug or vibrator device?
I have. A few times with an anal plug, and more than a few with a vibrating egg. The egg can be fun, as it has a remote control that works from a fair distance away, but it can be very, very distracting.  Wearing either is arousing, sometimes to absolute distraction, and those times I’m always glad to make it back to the car.

4. Have you ever fantasized about or practiced orgasm control/denial?
I’ve tried it a time or two, with me being the one that’s denying the orgasm. It’s hard, and I’m not sure that I would want to have my orgasm denied, as I crave the release.  I do like forced orgasms, and since I can usually cum over and over, they can be incredibly intense.

5. Do you like being called dirty names during sex? What names get you off the best?
Sometimes, yes. If we’re having rough sex, or playing with bondage, I don’t mind being called names. I don’t know if there’s one I like more than another – it’s really what feels and sounds right at the time.

Bonus: The confessional is open–confess anything you want (sexual or not).
Hmmm…what to confess?  Sometimes I have erotic dreams so intenes that when I wake up in the middle of the night, I barely have to touch myself to cum incredibly hard.

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TMI Tuesday: Look Inside

By Inside_my_head.jpg: Andrew Mason from London, UKderivative work: -- Jtneill - Talk (Inside_my_head.jpg) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Inside_my_head.jpg: Andrew Mason from London, UKderivative work: — Jtneill – Talk (Inside_my_head.jpg) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Tell us your top 3 flaws and shortcomings.
Hmmm…sometimes I have a hard time letting go of things, I can be very distractable, and often my willpower isn’t as strong as I’d like it to be, so I let fear take control and I don’t go after what I want.

2. Who do you look up to the most:
– Professionally?
I would say Steve Jobs.
– Sexually?
That’s a tough one. I’ll say Stormy Daniels.

3. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset??
a. Give me a hug or acknowledge my situation and sit quietly with me.
b. Talk through the situation give me advice or say uplifting things.
c. Leave me alone, let me sulk and wallow in misery.
d. Work out, be active to distract myself and up the endorphin and dopamine.
Usually a). It depends on what I’m sad or upset about, and sometimes just having someone with me, or giving me a hug, helps more than anything they can say or do.

4. Which parent do you identify with the most?
Definitely my Dad. He was amazing, and I always related better to him than my Mom.

Bonus: If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why?
Just one thing? That’s a tough one – I guess I’d be passionate about my job. Which would mean, of course, that I’d have to change the job I had, but I’d want it to be something I truly loved to do.



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TMI Tuesday: Let’s do this!

See page for author [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

See page for author [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. How many people do you really trust??
I trust 3 people implicitly.

2. What are you excited for?
I’m excited for spring to get here, so I can get my seeds started and out into the greenhouse.  I love to garden, and I’m hoping to get things going early this year.

3. Have you had sex today?
Not yet.

4. When was the last time you talked to someone until you fell asleep? What relation are they to you??
Hmmm…it’s been a long time since I fell asleep talking to someone on the phone! I would have to say it would have been in high school, to one of my best girlfriends.

5. What is your opinion on sex before marriage?
I think it can be a good thing. It’s better to find out if you’re sexually compatible with someone before getting serious.

Bonus: Does your present lover know any of your past lovers? How well?



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