Tag Archives: Sexis Book Club

Calling All Girls

This month, the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club had some interesting selections. I decided to go with a book that wasn’t an anthology by different authors this time so I selected Real Live Nude Girl by Carol Queen.

Real Live Nude Girl (Chronicles of Sex-Positive Culture) was first published in 1997 by Cleis Press. The second edition came out in 2002, with a new Forward section. This is an oversized paperback a glossy cover and no illustrations. It’s 215 pages, set in easy-to-read type, and contains a forward, introduction, bibliography, index, and a section about the author in addition to the essays.

Carol Queen grew up in Oregon, and first became a queer organizer and AIDS educator there before heading to San Francisco, where she received a doctorate in sexology in 1998. She is the author of several books as well as the co-editor of many others. She writes monthly for Spectator (a sex newsweekly in northern California) and has also been featured in Penthouse, Hustler, Vogue, and Elle. She works at and owns part of Good Vibrations, has been in sex education videos and also conducts workshops and trainings with her partner.

In the forward, Carol talks about growing up in the US in an erotophobic culture: while sex permeates everything we see and hear, from television, movies and music, most people are afraid of sex, whether it’s talking about it or accepting anything that strays outside what’s considered the “norm”. Even within the norm, sex is shunned, feared, and talked about as little as possible. She explains her subtitle, “Sex-Positive Culture”, doesn’t refer to the culture in the US in which we all are a part of, but rather the counter-culture that thrives in pockets throughout the country. She believes the challenge is not to become comfortable with sex for yourself, but to understand as well that we shouldn’t be judgmental, and that the differences that separate humans sexually aren’t perversions or immoral but rather just that – differences, People should lead their lives in the way that brings them joy and happiness.

In the introduction, Carol relates growing up different, where her young classmates gave her the nickname “Queen the Queer.” Carol discovered herself, worried about being “too queer to be queer”, and explored both the lesbian and gay communities before finding her niche with the bisexual community. Even this wasn’t an easy fit.

This book is not erotica. The chapters consist of 25 essays, each a glimpse into the life and thoughts of Carol as she grew into her sexuality. Many of them deal with her discoveries, her sexuality, and what bisexual means to members of that community, homosexuals, and heterosexuals, as well as the prejudices and judgments each make on the other. She covers safe sex clubs, body modifications, Madonna, pornography, butch women and spanking, girls gone bad, and prostitution.

This is not what I’d call light reading. The essays are insightful, and really give a perspective on claiming your sexuality. Some of them are fascinating, like her work as a “real live nude girl” at the Lusty Lady Theater in North Beach, where she worked in a Private Pleasures booth and gained insight on exhibitionism, her fellow workers and the men and women who came for a private show. Some of them are also humorous, as when she had to go through desensitization to pornography in graduate school. She and other classmates were put in a room, where all kinds of pornography imaginable was shown on the walls larger than life, including 4 foot tall penises.

This is a wonderfully informative book, and one that I’d recommend regardless of your sex or sexual orientation. I liked Carol’s writing style quite a bit. She’s easy to read and understand, and the glimpses she provides into her life and sexual journey would make interesting reading for everyone. If you’d like to pick up a copy of Real Live Nude Girl, you can get yours at EdenFantasys by clicking below. Read it, ponder it, and enjoy it, then join the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club discussion on the EdenFantasys forum later this month.

product picture
Book by Carol Queen
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Cleis Press Inc.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer.
This product was provided to me for free in exchange for an unbiased review.  This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

Room Service

I’ve been reading a lot of erotica lately. What, lately you ask? It’s true – I hadn’t read a lot of it before becoming a part of the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club. Since I’ve joined, I’ve received several themed erotica anthologies to read and get excited over. The book I picked to read for August, Do Not Disturb, is filled with stories about having sex in one of the most exciting places you can – and one of the most exciting places I have – the hotel.

Do Not Disturb (Hotel Sex Stories) was published in 2009 by Cleis Press. It’s an over-sized paperback with 20 stories and is 214 pages long. The type is easy to read, and short author biographies are included at the end. The book has a blog where author news, reader stories, and hotel sex are the topic of the day.

This collection is edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel, a writer whose own works appear in numerous erotica anthologies including this one. Rachel has also written for Bust, AVN, the Huffington Post, Playgirl, Penthouse, and the New York Post, among others. She has also appeared on television, on shows as diverse as “Family Business” and “The Martha Stewart Show.”

In her introduction, Rachel talks about how hotels can be very erotic settings for sex, whether it’s an upscale, 5 star hotel or a rent-by-the-hour dive. Hotels can be used to fulfill many different sexual needs, including secrecy, flirting, affairs, and fantasies. She ends the introduction by relating some memorable moments she has had in hotels herself.

Most of the stories in this anthology feature heterosexual couples, although there are a few stories with same sex couples. This collection also has some three-way action between two men and a woman, two women and a man, and three men. The stories cover lunchtime dalliances, cheating spouses, chance and planned encounters and even hired pleasure.

All of the stories in this collection are well written. While I enjoyed almost all of them, some of the stories didn’t get me going at all or just seemed misplaced in an erotica collection.  Three stories in particular stood out in this category.

“The St. George Hotel, 1890” by Lillian Slugocki  I really liked this story of a woman reminiscing about having a tryst with a disturbing stranger, but it was more of a thriller with elements of sex set in days gone by than an erotic and arousing read.

“G is For Gypsy” by Maxim Jakubowski  This told the melancholy story of a traveling man who pines for a lost love and reminisces about what he no longer has before becoming a lost soul in room after room. I found this story a bit depressing and sad.

“Talking Dirty” by Shanna Germaine  Something’s happened to his wife, and a loving husband tries to break through by recreating a hotel scene with her week after week. This story I also found sad, and while I felt for the characters and the love of the husband, it seemed a bit out of place.

Many of the stories I did find highly erotic. Some really tapped into my fantasies and gave me ideas for future roleplay, while others were just plain arousing to read. My favorite stories in this collection were:

“So Simple A Place” by Isabelle Gray A business woman in Tokyo for 6 months has a flirtation with her Japanese counterpart that builds to something special in a place where they can be anywhere in the world.

“Tropical Grotto, Winter Storm” by Teresa Noele Roberts  A couple finds themselves unexpectedly snowbound at a hotel that features an indoor tropical water park. What to do?

“Hump Day” by Rachel Kramer Bussel  A married couple spends an hour every Wednesday at a seedy hotel for a raunchy, role-playing date.

The best story in this collection for me by far was “The Royalton – A Daray Tale” by Tess Danesi. Here, a woman follows her lover’s instructions, starting in the lobby of the Royalton Hotel. She finds herself living out one of her greatest fantasies in the room, but being blindfolded throughout keeps her guessing about the identity of the third person in the room.

Overall, Do Not Disturb is a book I would recommend if you’ve ever had great hotel sex or fantasized about doing so. You can pick up your copy at EdenFantasys by clicking on the widget below, read it, and join the discussion for this Sexis Naked Reader Book Club selection on the forum later this month.

product picture
Book by Various Authors
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Cleis Press Inc.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer.

This product was sent to me for free by EdenFantasys in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

Not Quite Whipped Into A Frenzy

While I love long sexual encounters and lovemaking sessions, I also enjoy unplanned, spontaneous sex. Sex that isn’t planned, is spur of the moment, and quick. Sex on the stairs, a quickie in a bathroom, even fucking on an elevator or in the back seat of a car. Frenzy, one of July’s Sexis Naked Reader Book Club selections, is a collection of short stories where the frenzy refers to both the act and the stories themselves.

Frenzy is an oversized (8” x 5 1/2″) paperback published in 2008 by Cleis Press with easy to read type. It’s edited by Alison Tyler, who has authored more than 25 erotic novels, had her stories published in more than 80 anthologies, and has herself edited more than 45 erotic collections. I’ve come to really enjoy her stories and was delighted to find some in this collection.

In her introduction, Alison tells us that there’s nothing like a quickie, and she is referring to both the sexual act and the length of the stories. She packs 60 stories into 209 pages, some as short as 75 words, others as long as 1500. Most of the stories feature heterosexual couples, although there are a few that do not.

Brevity may be the soul of wit, but it isn’t always the heart of arousal. Most of the shorter stories here, and some of the longer ones, are just are just too short and undeveloped to be properly titillating. They are mostly well written, but don’t stimulate and in many cases are bland. One story, “Waves” by Alisha Steele, is even quite sad.

Plenty of gems grace this collection, however, including but not limited to:

“Paper Clips” by A. D. R. Forte   A woman arrives at his room, and a man shows her the pleasure of bondage with some creative pain from the paper clips in his briefcase.

“Pirate Treasure” by Janine Ashbless An actor and an actress on the set of a pirate movie have a bawdy and climaxing close encounter as extras in a bar during the filming of their scene.

“Coming to Conclusions” by Andrea Miller Rory doesn’t participate in acts of debauchery at monthly parties but she has a secret that Nick intends to reveal.

“Lake Logan” by Cheyenne Blue A couple gets stuck in their car in rising water off the side of a road during a storm. They can’t resist their urges and providing a show to passing motorists.

“Bastard” by Alison Tyler His belt buckle says Bastard, and a waitress hears the tale of how he came to get it from her coworker.

“Appetite” by Shanna Germain The most food centric story in the collection. A woman breaks her carb addiction but isn’t cured, and thinks of sex every time she is enticed by them. Bread and donuts become cocks, balls, and breasts as she struggles with her appetite.

“Take Note, Please” by Linda K. Sienkiewicz Anna awakens bound at the Men’s Sexology Institute, where Professor Mooney teaches a hands-on class on female genitalia stimulation on her vulnerable and unwilling(?) body.

Frenzy is easy to pick up and read a story or two at a time. You may find that reading several in a row increases your frenzy to get some of your own.

If you’d like to join in the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club in July, Frenzy would be a good choice. Read it now and join in the book discussion on the EdenFantasys forums later in the month. You can get your copy from EdenFantasys by clicking the widget below.

product picture
Book by Various Authors
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Cleis Press Inc.

This product was sent to me for free in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

Goin’ Down

The Sexis Naked Reader Book Club featured four books in June on the theme of oral sex. While two of the books were erotic fiction, the other two were guides to performing oral sex both on a man and on a woman. One of the books I chose to review this month from EdenFantasys was The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus.

The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus (How To Go Down on a Woman and Give Her Exquisite Pleasure) is written by Violet Blue and published in 2002 by Cleis Press. It’s an oversized paperback (9” x 6”) and 182 pages long.

A small section about the author is included, introducing Violet as a sex columnist, editor, and sex educator. Other sections include book and video references and an illustration list.

In the forward, Violet talks about the research she did before writing this quide, including sending out surveys to over 150 people. Quotes from the survey are sprinkled throughout the book.

Five of the chapters feature short stories by Alison Tyler about cunnilingus. I have read a few of Alison’s stories in other books and really enjoy her writing. Her stories here are quite good as well, and I found them to be the highlight of this book.

The Ultimate Guide to Cunilingus is divided into 12 chapters. The first two chapters elaborate on giving and receiving oral sex, how it can increase intimacy, and the four common fears that people have about receiving oral sex. Chapter 3 is a tour of the female anatomy, both inside and out, while Chapter 4 covers STDs and risks during cunnilingus and rimming, safer sex practices, and how to make safer sex erotic. Chapter 5 covers the basics of waxing and shaving as well as smell, taste, and menstruation.

Chapters 6 through 9 are where the meat of the book is. Chapter 6 talks about getting started, how to get your partner to try it, and games you can play to make her more receptive. Chapter 7 contains techniques for licking and other stimulation for her pleasure. Positions, penetration, and sex toys are all covered in Chapter 8, while chapter 9 goes into advanced techniques.

The last 3 chapters contain book and video suggestions, online and offline resources, and references if you want more information on pleasuring a woman.

While I found this book informative and easy to read, much of the information was geared towards those new to performing cunnilingus, or performing it on a new and possibly reluctant partner. I will only ever be the recipient, but I hoped that the techniques presented might offer my husband some ideas (although he doesn’t really need any assistance or suggestions in this area).

I wasn’t sure if he’d actually want to read it or just have me suggest some of the techniques that sounded just a bit different that I wanted him to try out. Surprisingly he eagerly flipped through it, until he discovered that illustrations didn’t mean photographs. At that point he turned it back over to me and told me just to tell him what to try. He didn’t have any trouble following my directions, although it was mostly a variation on what he already does to perfection.

The Ultimate Guide To Cunnilingus is great for those new to this oral art. There’s a lot of good information, and Violet covers just about everything you need to know to make your partner incredibly happy.

Thank you to EdenFantasys for sending this to me for free to review! You can check out the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club for more oral sex selections, and you can get your copy of the Ultimate Guide To Cunnilingus from EdenFantasys by clicking the widget below.

product picture
Book by Violet Blue
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Cleis Press Inc.

This product was provided to me free of charge by EdenFantasys in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines

It Leaves A Good Taste In Your Mouth

For June, the theme of the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club was oral sex. One of the books I received for review from EdenFantasys for the book club was Tasting Him, a collection of short stories focused on blowjobs from Cleis Press.

Tasting Him is 184 pages and published in 2008. This is an oversized paperback (8” by 6”), with a black and white photo of a man and woman on the cover which is repeated on the back. It contains 23 short stories by different authors, all of whom have a short author biography at the end.

This book is edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. Rachel is the editor of over 20 erotica books, and she’s also had her stories published in numerous anthologies. She has written for many publications, including Bust, Cosmopolitan, the New York Post, and Penthouse, and even appeared on the Martha Stewart Show. Rachel provides an introduction to the stories that she has selected, and she also has one of her own in the collection.

The first and third person stories included in this collection mostly feature heterosexual couples, although there are a few that feature homosexual couples and one that involves a threesome. Some of the cocks are flesh and blood, while others are of a manmade variety. The characters range from reluctant but interested to enthusiastic, new to blowjobs to pros at giving head.

How different can blowjob stories be? Quite a bit, it turns out. Whether it’s teachers and students, food, masters and slaves, friends and lovers or husbands and wives, each story sets a tone for a pleasurable (for its participants) encounter.

I found some of the stories a bit bland or not to my taste, while others were erotic and arousing. Some of the stories I highly enjoyed involved a bit of fantasy and also had some scenarios that would be fun to try.

In “Quite A Mouthful: Confessions of a Sweet Cocksucker” by Tish Andersen, a woman shopping in a sex store fantasizes about the hot blowjobs she gave her lover during some bondage sessions.

“This Just In” by Heidi Champa tells the tale of a girl who gives a blowjob to her guy while he pretends to read the news on set.

In “Without Eyes” by Terry Pray, a woman is sharp to her master and forced as atonement to give him a blowjob without the use of her hands or eyes.

“Frosted” by Kristina Wright presents the art of the blowjob with cinnamon roll icing.

“Tony Tempo” by Tsuarah Litzky tells the sad yet satisfying tale of an old “horn dog” who finds love in a nursing home.

By far the most wildly erotic story in this collection for me was “Prego” by Alison Tyler. In this hot tale, a wife catches her husband fucking a jar of Prego sauce while he’s cooking dinner and guests are waiting in the dining room. A sloppy (although tasty) blowjob follows, with the risk of discovery providing extra sexual tension.

If you enjoy stories about oral sex, this is a good collection to check out. There’s a little bit of everything here, and while not all of it may be to your taste, you’re sure to find several stories that arouse you.

Thank you to EdenFantasys for sending this to me for free to review! You can check out the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club this month for more great selections featuring oral sex. If you’d like to read Tasting Him you can get your copy from EdenFantasys.

product picture
Book by Various Authors
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Cleis Press Inc.

This product was provided to me free of charge by EdenFantasys in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines