1. Write your 3 sexual commandments and share them here at TMI Tuesday.
1. We will have foreplay – lots of foreplay.
2. We will both come – ideally together, but it’s okay if we don’t.
3. Cuddling is expected – don’t jump right up for a towel.
2. Tell us your 3 D’s of relationship destruction.
1. Dirty sheets. Regardless of how dirty we’ll make them while we’re fucking, they should be clean to start with.
2. Deviousness. I much prefer honesty and truthfulness.
3. Dry sex. Seriously, lube is sometimes a necessity – don’t be afraid to use it!
3. WikiHow lists several steps to seduce someone https://m.wikihow.com/Seduce-Someone-Using-Only-Your-Eyes. What are your top 3 moves of seduction?
1. Making eye contact with a smile, and then sucking on a finger.
2. Engaging in conversation and drawing out the person.
3. Light touches on the hands while making eye contact.
Really, eye contact is important when trying to seduce someone.
4. What is your sexual healing?
I think understanding that my body and mind need to engage in sexual activity, whether alone or not, and that it’s a process that brings about euphoria and release.
5. Would you attend a class that taught you how to have an orgasm?
Sure – why not?
Bonus: In which areas of your life are you overly confident?
I’m not sure I’m overly confident about much – maybe my ability to stay sane when my life is in chaos?
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