TMI Tuesday: Gossip!

By Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg: Eugen von Blaasderivative work: Frédéric (Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg: Eugen von Blaasderivative work: Frédéric (Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Note: Not asking you to reveal secrets. Give us the who without the what, or the what without the who, or obscure identity in some other way if you like. Would like to be titillated, though.

1. Are you privy to a secret about a famous person? Do you read gossip about famous people in magazines or online ?
Nope – I don’t know any famous people, so I’m not privy to any secrets. I rarely read the gossip rags – in print or online…my Mother used to have a subscription to the Star and a few others, so I’d browse them when she’d send them on, but I really don’t care so much to read them.

2. Do you know of a co-worker, friend or neighbor who is currently having an affair? Are you having an affair?
No, and no.

3. Have you ever had a secret that made you the subject of gossip?
Hmm…probably. If the gossip’s good and no one tells you, you’d never know what kind of stories are being talked about around the water cooler.

4. Do you like hearing gossip? What kind interests you most, e.g. sexual behavior, drug use, lying, betrayal, etc?
It can be entertaining, sure, and it’s more fun to hear gossip about people I don’t like, but I don’t go seeking it out.

5. Do you pass gossip on when you hear it?
It depends on what it is, and who it’s about.

6. Do you consider telling your spouse or partner to be consistent with a promise not to tell? Is he or she trustworthy with secrets?
Most of the time, yes. He is trustworthy with secrets, and there’s never been anything I’ve told him that he’s ever told.

Bonus: What is one private thing that you would like to know about someone?
Hmmm…I think I’d like to know what most people like during sex…


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