Wicked Wednesday: Goals

Edward Burne-Jones [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Edward Burne-Jones [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I have a lot of goals. Some of them are short-term: pass my Japanese test this week…clean out the garage…both of which are attainable.

A lot of my long term goals tend to be on my bucket list (because some of them are really, really far in the future at the rate I’m going), some are the kind that just can’t be written down for a variety of reasons, and all are a mix of sexual and non-sexual. I don’t know if I originally meant to put so many on the “list of things to do before I die”, but I do hope to do them before I do. I’ve failed at several goals, but some of them have become goals again, and I think they’re attainable. I don’t punish myself when I fail, although it does bring me down.

Sexually, one goal that I met was being able to  squirt. It’s not something I can do consistently, but I’ve now done it several times, so the possibility is there.

In a way I think it’s bad luck to mention some of my goals, as I feel I’m less likely to obtain them if I bring them out in the open….and I really want to hit them…someday soon.


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Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

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