![By Ripton Scott from Wimbledon, United Kingdom (Surrounded by OrangeUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons](http://funwithsammi.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/512px-Lovebirds_on_a_perch-8b.jpg)
By Ripton Scott from Wimbledon, United Kingdom (Surrounded by OrangeUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Hmm….well, once upon a time. I’ve had a car or two that had a pet name. And then there was Sparky…..
2. Is there a pet name that you can’t stand being called?
Love muffin – I’m not real keen on that one.
3. Has your body ever done something that you didn’t understand? Even if it was a ‘first time’ something happened?
The first time I can think of would have been when I had my very first-ever period. I had no idea what was going on.
4. Which body part do you spend the most time on? (grooming, applying, etc.)
Hmm….I’d have to say either my face or my toenails. I don’t spend a ridiculous amount of time putting on makeup, but I can get carried away painting designs on my toenails.
5. The name of the best lover you’ve ever had.
My lips are sealed.
6. Have you ever taken an ex back?
No, I never have.
Bonus: What’s your biggest concern in the world today?
That there’s going to be a nuclear war.
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