Category Archives: Reviews

A Lapping Rabbit

A while back I had the opportunity to review the Sqweel, a rather unique toy that simulated oral sex by using a wheel of “tongues”.   I wasn’t crazy about it, mostly because it didn’t handle pressure well.  As long as I was looking for a light, teasing lapping sensation, it was quite delightful, but as soon as I got aroused and wanted to press it into me, the tongues slowed down if they didn’t stop all together, which was immensely frustrating.  I grew to like it a bit more over time, as long as I used it for a teasing toy.  Sometimes my husband would want me to prolong being teased, and I will say the Sqweel worked well that way.

I’ve also become attracted to rabbits of late, and I’ve found a few that I really enjoy. The trickiest thing with rabbits is getting the clit stimulator to work – sometimes it’s too short, and other times the vibrations just aren’t strong enough.   If the size and power are right, I’ve come (and cum) to quite enjoy them.  When I saw the Sqweevee, a Sqweel accessory, up for review from Babeland, the concept intrigued me, and so I decided to request it for review and see what kind of a rabbit it would make out of the marriage of my Sqweel and a vibrator. Continue reading

Pleasurists #123


Beauty by Any Definition by UniqueNudes


Welcome to Pleasurists, a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days. For updates and information follow our RSS Feed and Twitter.

Did you miss Pleasurists #122? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #124? Be sure to read the submission guidelines and then use the submission form and submit it before Sunday March 27th @ 11:59pm Pacific.

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Scarlet Lotus

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Every Move You Make, I’ll be watching you…

I’m a bit of a voyeur. I don’t mean just watching others have sex in porn – I certainly won’t turn a blind eye if I see a couple sharing a kiss or grope in public, or even where they don’t think they can be seen. I’m also a bit of an exhibitionist. I’ve had sex in public places before, or out in open places, where I could have been seen, and may have been. It’s definitely a thrill, and I looked forward to reading Hide and Seek (Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists), one of the Sexis Naked Reader Book Club selections for March.

Hide and Seek is an erotic collection published by Cleis Press in 2007, with a new forward from Jo Weldon in 2010. It’s an oversized paperback with a shiny cover and holds 187 pages. It has 21 stories, a forward and two introductions, as well as about the authors and editors sections. The book is edited by Alison Tyler and Rachel Kramer Bussel, two women whose stories I’ve enjoyed in other collections.

Jo Weldon is the founder and headmistress of the New York School of Burlesque, and she’s worked with a variety of performers. She’s even been featured on television news magazines and TV shows. In Jo’s forward, she talks about what fuels passion and imagination, and how it’s often what leads to the sexual encounter that makes it so satisfying. She also tells about her early experiences with masturbation and her troubles finding a private place, which led to her releasing her fear of being caught and enjoying both watching and being watched. Continue reading

Pleasurists #122


Beauty of Male Form 1 by RaCorb

Welcome to Pleasurists, a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days. For updates and information follow our RSS Feed and Twitter.

Did you miss Pleasurists #121? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #123? Be sure to read the submission guidelines and then use the submission form and submit it before Sunday March 27th @ 11:59pm Pacific.

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Pleasurists #121


Chained by JoGraetz*


Welcome to Pleasurists, a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days. For updates and information follow our RSS Feed and Twitter.

Did you miss Pleasurists #120? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #122? Be sure to read the submission guidelines and then use the submission form and submit it before Sunday March 20th @ 11:59pm Pacific.

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