Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Fill In The Blanks

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. I want to repeat going on vacation out of the country.
2. I want to lose my bad habits .
3. I want to gain a sense of calm .
4. I want to enjoy life to the fullest.
5. I want to savor every moment with my love .
6. I need more time to relax.

Bonus: I will succeed in making my wishes come true .


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TMI Tuesday: Happy New Year!

1. Daily rituals. Do you have any that you will abandon in the new year? Will you begin new daily rituals? If yes, what?
Hmmm…I’d like to abandon watching so much TV every night. I’d like to start a few new rituals, mainly getting some exercise in the mornings and doing some sort of cardio (swimming, walking, or bike riding for at least 30 minutes every night.

2. What significant relationship improved the most?
I don’t think any improved – I think they all stayed pretty much the same.

3. What relationship in your life deteriorated?
I don’t think any relationship really deteriorated last year.

4. What do you wish you had done more of in 2018? How do you plan on doing more of that in 2019?
Hmmm….I wish I had taken a few more vacations, and read more. I’ll be taking two vacations this year, to California and to Ireland, and I’ve decided that I need to read at least 20 books for the year.

5. What important person in your life needs more of your time? Will you give it?
I think the person in my life that needs more of my time is me. And I’ll try to give it to myself.

Bonus: How can you redesign your evenings to bring more restful “you” time to the end of your day?
I would like to add in a bit of meditation before bed – I think that will calm me down and make my nights a bit more restful.


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TMI Tuesday: Happy Holiday Season!

Cthulhu Claus ©2018, Sammi Lou Thorne

1. Are you celebrating or have you celebrated any holidays this December 2018?
I’ll be celebrating Christmas tomorrow. I celebrated my birthday this month too, but it’s not a holiday…yet.

2. Describe your typical holiday celebration.
Usually we get up early – get the coffee going and the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Then we put on Christmas music and open gifts…then everyone scatters with their gifts, and we watch a bit of TV – maybe a parade. Dinner gets started (either turkey or ham), and then we have Christmas dinner early in the afternoon.  If there’s a movie showing, we’ll see that after dinner – this year we’re going to go see Aquaman. And that pretty much sums up the day.

3. Now tell us how you really would like to spend your holiday season.
What I have enjoyed a few years is going to Florida for Christmas. I’ve spent two Christmases and New Years in Disneyworld, and they were awesome. The weather has mostly cooperated, and it’s so nice to get away and just celebrate time with family. I’d love to spend next Christmas in Universal Orlando, or maybe get to California and spend it on the beach.

4. This time of year broadcast TV is filled with Christmas movies. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Die Hard. Without a doubt.

5. Does your place of work do a gift exchange or secret santa? Do you participate? What gift did you buy to giveaway this year? What gift did you get?
No – we don’t have a gift exchange or Secret Santa at my current job. The place I used to work did it, and we had a $ limit that everyone broke. I did exchange a few small gifts with co-workers, but it wasn’t an exchange per se.

Bonus: Have you been naughty or nice?
I’m always naughty – one of these years Santa’s going to spank me.

I hope everyone has a
Happy Holiday!

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TMI Tuesday: Random Shit

1. Which do you make more of phone calls or text messages?
Really, it’s text messages. I used to make a lot of phone calls, but it’s so much easier to text, and to get a response.

2. Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
Not usually. I’ve done it before, but it’s been a very long time, and usually only if I’m preparing to have a fight/bitch session with the telephone company or someone else who’s totally pissed me off.

3. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
Hmmm….we both like to watch movies (although they’re not always the same kind), we both like a good wine, and we both like to fuck.

4. Name three things about which you and your partner completely disagree and often causes arguments.
Well, let’s see. Money, clothes, and books. Yes, all 3 can cause arguments. I’m the money manager, and spending on (what I think are) frivolous things makes me cranky. Clothes and books…well, let’s just say I have a lot of them, and he thinks I have way too many. I mean really, can having a library of 6,000 books really be excessive?

5. 74 percent of couples bought a brand new mattress when they began their relationship. As you embark on a serious relationship would you request your significant other buy a new mattress or would you buy a new mattress if the s.o. asked you to do so?
Yes, I don’t see why not.

Bonus: If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about your future, what would you want to know?
I guess I’d want to know if I’d be truly, sincerely happy.  There’s a lot of specific things that I’d like to know…but not really, as I think I’d rather find out when they happened rather than anticipating/dreading them.

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TMI Tuesday: Relationships Are Work

1. Lingerie–do you like to give it as a gift or received it?
I love to receive it as a gift, and I really don’t get it often enough. I buy a lot of lingerie, but it’s always fun to receive something that’s been picked out especially for me.

2. What’s a good date night movie?
Well, let’s see. Really, any good horror movie (or a high action movie if there aren’t any horror movies playing). Something like Cabin in the Woods, Raw, The Evil Dead, Dead Snow, The Meg…the list goes on. Action-wise, a Mission Impossible movie or Aquaman would suffice.

3. When your partner asks you “what’s wrong?” do you most often say “nothing” when something clearly is wrong? Why?
Hmmm….usually I say “nothing.” Because they know what’s wrong and I shouldn’t have to tell them.

4. To keep the fires burning, and the relationship fresh you need to send your significant other just one text. What is that text?
I’m naked and ready – come home and fuck me.

Bonus: What was your last grand romantic gesture?
Cooking a romantic steak and shrimp dinner and serving it by candlelight. And then serving up myself for dessert.

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