Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: TMI and Conan O’Brien

By Andy Mangold from Baltimore, United States (I'm with Coco) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Andy Mangold from Baltimore, United States (I’m with Coco) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. One thing I will never comprehend is _why M&M’s don’t melt in your hand OR your mouth_ .

2. My blood type is _O positive__ .

3. I am pretty healthy for _as much time as I spend on the internet___ .

4. When I really cannot sleep I _watch TV, read, or sometimes bake_ .

5. You never forget your _language mnemonics. I remember a lot of these for Latin, which I haven’t taken in ages, because they were kind of silly, but so easy to remember. And now I have a lot of them for Japanese_ .

6. As a child my favorite pet was _my stuffed Jaws shark. I never had pets as a child – my parents were not fond of them,  I didn’t get my first pet until I went to college, and then I had two cats. Pepper was my favorite of the two – she came from the shelter when she was really little, and she would come to her name_ .

Bonus: This week’s question comes from The Late Phoenix – “Why was fuck chosen as the ultimate swear word? It coulda easily been duck.”
I think it’s for a few reasons. Most of the good swear words that are common are related to body parts or sex. So if we called intercourse “duck”, or “duck” meant something really raunchy, then “duck” would probably be the ultimate swear word. But fuck rolls off the tongue so nicely – it’s fucking fun to say, don’tcha think?

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TMI Tuesday: Flowers, Kisses, and Money

flowers1. When did you last give or get flowers? What was the occasion?
The last time I got flowers was a few months ago – it was for my favorite reason – “just because.”  It’s been a while since I last gave flowers – just over a year ago now, and they were for Christmas.

2. When was the last time you had a long passionate kiss? Who did you kiss?
Hmmm….a few days ago, and with my husband.

3. You’ve just been given $100 for no reason at all. It is yours to do as you wish. Will you save it or spend it? If spend, what will you buy?
I’d probably spend it. Most likely on a new purse or pair of shoes. Because you can never have too many of either…

4. What is your most irritating habit?
Apparently, it’s when I wear my sunglasses on top of my head all the time. Well, not when I’m sleeping, but otherwise, I flip them up when I come indoors, and they don’t leave my head until bedtime. Sometimes I will take them off if I’m exercising or taking a shower, but then I can feel them still there.

5. If you had a day off alone, and could do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
I would probably masturbate the day away…in the shower, in the tub, on the bed, all day long.

Bonus: Have you ever had sex at work? Where–closet, stairway, office, boardroom, etc.? Do you regret the encounter?
Having sex at work is something I fantasize about a lot, but it’s been a long time since I’ve done it. When I was in high school, I worked at a fast food place at the mall, and one night when I was closing up, my boyfriend came to help. After I shut the door to the front area, we went at it on the table and the floor. I don’t regret it, no – it was quite a thrill, and an adrenaline rush not knowing if the boss would show up unexpectedly.


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TMI Tuesday: Bringing Up The Past

By Nabakishorec (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Nabakishorec (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What is the nickname a lover had for you that made you cringe?
Hmmm….maybe Love Muffin? Some of them are downright silly, but that’s the only one I can think of that makes me cringe.

2. Where do you most often toss or keep your excess change (coins)?
I’ve got some giant pepsi/beer plastic bottles – about 3 foot high – that’s where all change goes. Occasionally I’ll dump it out and change in everything but the pennies.

3. If someone wrote a book about your past lovers and past sex life, which category fits best:
a. Abnormal psychology book
b. Steamy romance novel
c. Sad sad story

That’s a tough one, but I suppose it would be a) Abnormal psychology book.

4. Some say sex is like driving. Pretend you are a car. Are you: rear, front or all-wheel drive?
Ha – definitely all-wheel drive here.

5. What is it that you do daily that you would like to stop doing?
Falling to sleep early at night. I’d like to stay up much later than I do.

6. What is the biggest lie you ever told to get someone into bed or the biggest lie you ever told in bed?
That’s one I’m never telling.

Bonus: If married, who was interested in marriage first, you or your spouse?
Huh….I think he did, but I really don’t remember who brought it up first!


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TMI Tuesday: On a Wednesday (Somewhere)!

By Solomon203 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Solomon203 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. I am in need of an intervention for my obsession with _Farmville. Yes, I admit it, I play it to excess_ .

2. You are being auctioned off. What is your unique selling point?
Hmmm….this is a tough one. I guess my unique selling point would be that I mishear song lyrics to an extreme, and have some wickedly funny ones that kind of make sense.

3. On a scale of 1-5 how many stars did your mom or dad give your current significant other or your favorite, longest lasting love? (1 is bad, 5 is great)
I think initially they gave him a 3, but then it quickly progressed to a 5.

4. Most of the meals I eat are:?
a. Cooked in a microwave?
b. Cooked in the oven/stove?
c. Made by someone else
Although I have a fair amount cooked in the microwave, I’d say most of them are b) cooked in the oven/stove.

5. When work and life stress me out, nothing relieves the tension like _lifting weights. I learned this years ago, and it’s such an amazing way to work out tension, hostility and stress_.

Bonus (create your own): What’s the worst misunderstood song lyric you’ve ever been guilty of singing?
The one my friends think is the funniest is from the song “Zoot Suit Riot” by the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies. I always thought the lyrics were: “Who’s that whispering in the tree? It’s two satyrs and they’re horny.”

The one I always thought was the best was from The Who: “M&M’s Fuck”


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TMI Tuesday: Old Man Winter

A typical winter day.

A typical winter day.

1. Where you live what is the current season?
Here on Ice Planet Hoth, it’s winter. Actually, it was fairly mild through about 1/2 of November, and since then it’s been bitterly cold with lots and lots and lots of snow. The wind has been blowing a lot, giving us many days of wind chills below zero.

2. Do you measure/report the weather temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit?
I use Farenheit.

3. Describe your ideal day of weather?
That’s an easy one. Lots of sun, with a temperature about 85F, and just the slightest breeze. And, of course, low humidity.

4. When it is cold outside I want to:?
a. Run outside naked because it is exhilarating.?
b. Bundle up in warm clothes and take a winter walk.?
c. Turn the heat up, stay indoors, hibernate until warm weather returns.?
d. I do not pay attention to the weather.
I’ll go with c). I like to hibernate with a nice cup of hot coffee underneath a pile of blankets. And maybe a snuggle or two.

5. Do you go “commando” in cold weather or in winter?
Sometimes, yes. I’m not outside a ton during the winter, and thongs aren’t always necessary under a long skirt of a pair of pants.

6. For 10,000 USD Would you rather ride a bike for one mile (1.6 km) in 7 degrees  F/ 14 degrees C weather  or jump naked into a freezing cold Alaskan lake in winter?
I’d do the bike ride, hands down. A mile on a bike in 7F weather would be cold, but not as brutally cold as jumping into a lake.

7. What is your favorite piece of winter clothing?
I love ear muffs. I’ve got a really cool pair that goes behind my neck and wraps up over my ears, and I love wearing them to keep my ears warm.

8. Have you ever worn Long Johns aka long underwear or thermal underwear?
I have on occasion, mostly when I’ve gone skiing.

Bonus: Do you have more or less sex in the winter months vs. other times of year?
I think I have more sex when the weather is warm out, but it’d be a pretty close call.


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