Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: What Would You Do

By Gisela Francisco [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Gisela Francisco [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What places have you visited in the last year that you know you will never visit again?
Hmmm…not many. Probably the Ford dealership – I will never, ever go there again.

2. We often hear, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” If you really, actually could, list 5 things you would do.

I would spend a week at the International Space Station.
I would be an Olympic diver.
I would invent something cool that everyone would want and get rich in the process.
I would be a famous artist.
I would retire now, and spend my days on a relatively deserted island paradise.

3. What physical acts would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
Hmmm…being an astronaut, riding the Tour de France, climbing Mount Everest.

4. What are you doing this month that you have never done before?
Buying a truck?

5. What is the weirdest or strangest substance you’ve bathed in?

One time in college, I took a bath in a tub full of Jello that hadn’t set yet…that was one wild party.

Bonus: Finish this sentence:
Right now I’m __catching up on Last Week with John Oliver and eating a piece of pizza__ .


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TMI Tuesday: Gossip!

By Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg: Eugen von Blaasderivative work: Frédéric (Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg: Eugen von Blaasderivative work: Frédéric (Die_Gartenlaube_(1880)_725.jpg) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Note: Not asking you to reveal secrets. Give us the who without the what, or the what without the who, or obscure identity in some other way if you like. Would like to be titillated, though.

1. Are you privy to a secret about a famous person? Do you read gossip about famous people in magazines or online ?
Nope – I don’t know any famous people, so I’m not privy to any secrets. I rarely read the gossip rags – in print or online…my Mother used to have a subscription to the Star and a few others, so I’d browse them when she’d send them on, but I really don’t care so much to read them.

2. Do you know of a co-worker, friend or neighbor who is currently having an affair? Are you having an affair?
No, and no.

3. Have you ever had a secret that made you the subject of gossip?
Hmm…probably. If the gossip’s good and no one tells you, you’d never know what kind of stories are being talked about around the water cooler.

4. Do you like hearing gossip? What kind interests you most, e.g. sexual behavior, drug use, lying, betrayal, etc?
It can be entertaining, sure, and it’s more fun to hear gossip about people I don’t like, but I don’t go seeking it out.

5. Do you pass gossip on when you hear it?
It depends on what it is, and who it’s about.

6. Do you consider telling your spouse or partner to be consistent with a promise not to tell? Is he or she trustworthy with secrets?
Most of the time, yes. He is trustworthy with secrets, and there’s never been anything I’ve told him that he’s ever told.

Bonus: What is one private thing that you would like to know about someone?
Hmmm…I think I’d like to know what most people like during sex…


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TMI Tuesday: Sundry Amalgams

By Ikonact (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Ikonact (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What would you eat for your “last supper”?
I think I would go for a filet mignon, medium rare, with some wine-sauteed mushrooms and a glass of cabernet.

2. Name 3 interesting and unique things to do in your town/city/region.
Let’s see – in the region are some old historic buildings to tour, some Indian stone monuments, and some great mountains for skiing.

3. Tell us 2 things that terrify you.
Spiders terrify me, as does dying.

4. Give us your best sex tip.
Do what feels good, and don’t be afraid to try something new. And don’t be afraid to be window-shatteringly noisy.

5. What do you have that you need to throw away?
This is definitely clothes. I have way too many, and I really need to toss them out.

Bonus: Would you participate in a sex organ beauty pageant? Why or why not?
Mmm…no. I would be all for participating in a breast beauty pageant, as I think mine are nice, but I think I’d pass on a pageant for the rest.

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TMI Tuesday: This is TMI

By vegafish, vegafish in zh-wikipedia (Nikon Coolpix S10, this photo is taken by vegafish) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

By vegafish, vegafish in zh-wikipedia (Nikon Coolpix S10, this photo is taken by vegafish) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Tell us about something that recently happened with you that is truly “too much information”.
Hmmm…one of the things with reviewing sex toys is that they tend to multiply all over the house, and I tend to have small stashes in strategic locations, like the bathroom (where Ella, a Mini Watachi or somesuch wand, and a small plug made a good combination). They’d given way to other things, and I had completely forgotten they were in the bathroom (in a zipped, opaque case). We had to pull everything out of our bathroom recently, and I saw the closed case, but didn’t think much of it until the next day…when the zipper was open and the vibes were visible. My hope is that it was my husband that opened it, and not a workman, who now knows what I do in my shower.

2. Share with us a tale of “too much information” that someone shared with you (and you wished they hadn’t).
One time, this person I did not know well (casually, yes) called me up to let me know she was going hiking out of town…and proceeded to give me all of her passwords, just in case something happened…and then she described in detail her last trip, where she got diarrhea and had to shit on the side of the trail…and then dropped her id. She really had a way of telling a story, and by then I had to mute my phone because I was dying of laughter. And I didn’t want to know any of it – I would have been happy if she never shared a thing.

3. Do you or your significant other use the toilet while the other is in the bathroom doing something else? Do you mind?
Yes – this really doesn’t phase me, as we’re just peeing.

4. Will you make a bowel movement when your significant other is in the bathroom?
Not usually.

5. Toilet paper, yes or no?
As opposed to…? If I had a bidet, I would probably say no, but since I don’t, most definitely toilet paper.

Bonus: What did you do this weekend? Did you have fun?
I did have fun – I had a garage sale, and actually sold a lot of things…even though it’s probably not obvious that I got rid of anything. It went well, and it was fun to do some serious bartering.

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TMI Tuesday: A Little Something For Your Pleasure

Jacques-Louis David [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jacques-Louis David [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Have you ever had an orgasm at work? How? Tell us the circumstances.
Actually, yes. I will just say that involved a closed door, a slow day, and a very horny me.

2. Do you ever fantasize about your significant other while you are at work?
Yes, quite a bit.

3. How old was the oldest person with whom you’ve had sex.
Hmmm…the oldest person I’ve had sex with is 48. The oldest person I’ve had sex with (in relation to how much older than me he was) was 9 years older than me. And no, I won’t tell you how old I was at the time.

4. Have you ever fallen asleep during sex?
Once that I recall. It was a combination of being tired and having had way too much to drink.

5. Have you ever cross-dressed or worn undergarments of the opposite sex?
Cross-dressed, no. I do have a few pairs of men’s boxers that I wear for pajamas sometimes – I’ve sewn the fly up – and they’re comfy to lounge around in. Plus, they come in such cute patterns.

Bonus: You have the power to banish one person from earth, who would you banish?
Wow – that’s a tough one. There’s a few politicians I can think of that would be nice to banish…I’m not sure I can really narrow it down.

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