Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Fill In The Blank

By Martin Robson from Brighton, UK (Portugal 2012Uploaded by tm) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Martin Robson from Brighton, UK (Portugal 2012Uploaded by tm) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. My dream vacation is to go to a deserted island and be on the beach, with no phones, no internet, and no people. Just me, the sand, and the sea.

2. Right now I’m in countdown mode for vacation. And no, it won’t be on my deserted island, but it will be a lot of fun .

3. I’m done with studying for tonight.

4. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is the Christmas music. I truly love Christmas carols, and enjoy them this time of year .

5. Dashing through the snow, in a fur-lined bathing suit .

6. When my blog is broken, I cry, and then contact customer support with A Small Orange (who are awesome, by the way, and are always able to fix what’s going on.

7. If only winter would stay away .

Bonus: I saw the most amazing porn this last night!

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TMI Tuesday: TMI Flashback

By Librairie artistique et Édition parisienne réunies (The Misfortunes of Collette) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Librairie artistique et Édition parisienne réunies (The Misfortunes of Collette) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Which ONE do you wish you had more of in bed… romance, experimentation or foreplay?
Hmmm…i will go with foreplay. No matter how much foreplay you have, you can always have more.

2. What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?
Not listening to what I have to say, being rude, and being too sexually forward.

3. Tell us something sexual you do not do anymore? Why?
Hmmm…I’m not sure if there’s anything I don’t do anymore.

4. During sex would you rather have a lover: (pick only one)
a. pull your hair
b. scratch your back
c. spank your ass

Oh, definitely c) spank my ass. I do love a good spanking.

5. Foreplay: Is there such a thing as too much?
Absolutely not!

Bonus: What is the best thing about you?
I suppose that would depend on who you asked. I think the best thing about me is that I’m passionate.

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TMI Tuesday: What Are You Hiding?

1. Tell us something you like but you hide it from your friends because you think they well make fun of you or not understand.
Hmmm…a lot of my odd obsessions are pretty well known to my friends (Cthulhu, bad horror, and Godzilla), but I suppose I would hide my taste in porn…not really a subject that comes up, but with the friend I do talk about porn with, we don’t really go into our preferneces. Although, I do give her a lot of the DVDs I review, so she probably has a better idea than I think.

2. Tell us something you hide from you family because they would be ashamed of you.
One thing I currently hide from my family (not my husband, obviously, but everyone else) is my blog, and the fact that I review adult toys and movies.

3. What do you hide from your kids because they just don’t need to know?
Well, there’s probably a lot of things, but I guess I would say I hide just how wild I was when I was a kid.

4. When was the last time you hid from something or someone?
Last week at work – there was a person I did not want to deal with, and I hid from them, or at least managed to completely avoid them, the entire day.

5. What things or objects do you hide regularly?
The most common thing I hide? My nail polish. I finally found a few good places to stash that.

Bonus: What did someone hide and you found?
I remember when I was a kid, my father would hide Playboys under the mattress. One day I was looking for something in his room, and stumbled across them. That was an eye opener, for sure.


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TMI Tuesday: TMI Therapy

By Eva Rinaldi from Sydney Australia [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Eva Rinaldi from Sydney Australia [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What brings you here, to TMI Tuesday blog?
I found the blog back in the summer of 2013, and thought it was fun! The topics are varied and fun, and it’s a good way to write for a prompt.

2. Have you played TMI Tuesday before? How often do you play?
I had never played it before this. I usually play once  a week…on Tuesday.

3. What’s your problem?
My problem is I’ve got too much to do, and not enough time to do it.

4. How does playing TMI Tuesday make you feel?
Satisfied, I would say. I like answering the prompts every week.

5. Does TMI Tuesday help you get ideas for writing?
Sometimes it does. It definitely gets me to writing, at least a bit, every week.

6. Is playing TMI Tuesday therapy for you?
I suppose it is, in a way. It can relieve any tenseness I have after I write for a bit and hunt up a post picture.

Bonus: If you could wave a magic wand, what positive changes would you make happen in your life? Do you need a magic wand to make the changes?
Ha – too many to actually name. There are a few I need a magic wand to make, and others that I just have to bear down and get done.



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TMI Tuesday: Play

Frederic Leighton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Frederic Leighton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Are there any literary or TV/movie relationships that remind you of one of your real life relationships?
Hmmm…that’s really a tough one….the only ones that come to mind at all right now are Beckett and Castle (Castle) and Red Reddington and Liz Keen (The Blacklist).  Well, and Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman (True Blood).

2. Would you rather make a
a. phone call
b. text
c. email
It really depends. I like talking on the phone – it’s more personal, although when I talk on the phone it’s often for quite a while. Texting is convenient and fast (and of course you’ve got to include sexting in there). Email can be very useful, but you definitely don’t get an answer as fast.

3. What are you wanting more of in your sex life right now?
Cuddling would probably be at the top of my list.

4. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are living right now?
I would be taking a lot more risks and doing things I’ve only thought about but never thought I’d do. I’d pack a lot into that one year.

5. Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know that someday I want to be as famous as Stephen King.

Bonus: If you could change one thing about how you were raised as a child, what would it be?
Hmmm…I think I’d change what I was allowed to do. I’d make my parents less restrictive and open to letting me do things.


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