1. Tell us something you like but you hide it from your friends because you think they well make fun of you or not understand.
Hmmm…a lot of my odd obsessions are pretty well known to my friends (Cthulhu, bad horror, and Godzilla), but I suppose I would hide my taste in porn…not really a subject that comes up, but with the friend I do talk about porn with, we don’t really go into our preferneces. Although, I do give her a lot of the DVDs I review, so she probably has a better idea than I think.
2. Tell us something you hide from you family because they would be ashamed of you.
One thing I currently hide from my family (not my husband, obviously, but everyone else) is my blog, and the fact that I review adult toys and movies.
3. What do you hide from your kids because they just don’t need to know?
Well, there’s probably a lot of things, but I guess I would say I hide just how wild I was when I was a kid.
4. When was the last time you hid from something or someone?
Last week at work – there was a person I did not want to deal with, and I hid from them, or at least managed to completely avoid them, the entire day.
5. What things or objects do you hide regularly?
The most common thing I hide? My nail polish. I finally found a few good places to stash that.
Bonus: What did someone hide and you found?
I remember when I was a kid, my father would hide Playboys under the mattress. One day I was looking for something in his room, and stumbled across them. That was an eye opener, for sure.
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