Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Love, Lust & Sex

Thomas Rowlandson [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Thomas Rowlandson [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Why do you fall in love?
I think for a lot of reasons – chemistry, trust, the ability to talk to one another, that feeling you get when you talk…it’s often just something that happens.

2. What makes you fall in lust??
I think it’s the same reasons – particularly that feeling you get, when your clit twitches, and you want to fuck someone like crazy.

3. If you are in a monogamous sexual relationship and your significant other has sex outside of your relationship, will you forgive them?
Absolutely. I think you can have sex for a variety of reasons, and I don’t think those reasons are always possible to control.

4. What do you idolize??
Hmm…honesty, intelligence, and resilience.

5. Where are your erogenous zones?
My ears, most definitely, if they’re kissed or licked. My toes (if they’re sucked on). My nipples, when played with. And of course my clit.

Bonus: What is the strangest or most unique thing you’ve tied someone up with or been tied up with? Why were you tied up?
Hmm…nothing really that strange. I guess maybe a belt tie or a bandanna. And tied up to have sex, of course.


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TMI Tuesday: Sexsaaay!

By Stephan Maloman from Miami, Florida, USA (nude (untitled) I) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Stephan Maloman from Miami, Florida, USA (nude (untitled) I) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

What is sexier…?
1. arms or shoulders?

I think arms are sexier, if they’re nicely toned.

2. ass or legs?
Definitely legs.

3. pussy or dick? Why?

A dick is sexier, I think. Especially when it’s hard.

4. feet or hands? Why?
This one is tough, but I think feet are sexier.

5. muscles or brains?
It depends. A combination of muscles and brains is the sexiest, I think.

Bonus: Do you think you’re sexy?
I do. I think sexy is often a state of mind – and if you don’t think you’re sexy, you’re definitely not.



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TMI Tuesday: Let’s Play Doctor


Mihály Zichy [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Have you had major surgery? What type?
I have – the first being my tonsils removed when I was 5. I’ve also had 2 C-sections and a few other surgeries.

2. Have you died and been resuscitated?
No. Not yet, anyhow.

3. Do you have surgery scar(s) that embarrass you? Where?
None that I find terribly embarrassing. My C-section scar is not terribly large.

4. Do you have a scar, on your body, of which you are proud??
Hmmm…I don’t know if I’m proud of any. I do have an interesting one below my pinky on my left hand – the result of putting my hand through a window when I was a teenager.

5. Have you ever played doctor and nurse as foreplay for sex? Which were you–doctor or nurse?
I’ve played nurse before. I think there’s nothing quite as fun for sexual heeling than a sexy nurse. I have two nurse costumes – one white and red, and the other black and red, and, of course, a stethoscope.

Bonus: Do you like bdsm medical play? What about that excites you?
I haven’t done much of this at all, although I do have one of the wheels that feels rather nice over my skin.


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TMI Tuesday: Computer Behavior

1. Do you access the Internet on a your own computer or a shared computer?
Sometimes on a shared computer, but mostly on my laptop, which nobody else uses.

2. Do you regularly browse web sites that you would prefer your significant other (or your mother!) not know about?
Well, that’s really two different answers. My husband – no, there aren’t any sites I would care that he saw.

3. Do you have browser bookmarks for sites you would prefer no one else know about??
I’m sure I have a few – I have an insane amount of bookmarks, but there’s also plenty of sites that I visit frequently that I don’t need to bookmark at all.

4. Do you clear your browser history? If yes, how often?
I do sometimes. I’d say maybe once a month or so.

5. Do you use “incognito windows” for some of your browsing??
Yes – for various reasons. Sometimes if I’m working, I’ll launch an incognito window as I need to use two different logins. Other times, I’ll use it to browse porn.

6. Do you overwrite deleted files??
Yes, usually.

7. How often do you total shut down your home computer? Tablet??
It depends. Typically I shut down my laptop every morning and restart it at night. On the weekends, I usually just put it to sleep.

8. Do you have one or more pseudonyms that you use on the web? How many? What do you use them for??
Yes, I have a few…I’d say 3? I mostly use them for reviewing.

9. How many email accounts do you have? Why?
Hmm…I’m not sure how many I have. I’d guess at least 20. Mostly it’s different emails for different things (personal email, contests, etc).

Bonus: Do you use any of the following sites? Which ones? What makes them work for you?? SnapChat, Chaturbate, OKCupid, Ashley Madison, Tinder, Down, 3nder, Pure.
I’ve never used any of them, although I’ve thought about SnapChat.




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TMI Tuesday: Snooping

Peter Fendi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Peter Fendi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

If I were to come to your home…?

1. And look in your refrigerator what would I see??
Well, let’s see…milk, Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry with Lime “juice”, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, red pears, butter, cream cheese, bagels, sour cream, cottage cheese, assorted leftovers, yogurt, cheese, a lot of condiments, some cans of Diet Coke with Splenda, and several bottles of wine (some open, and some just chilling).

2. And open your front room closet or hall closet, what would I see?
An absolute mess. Lots of coats, boots, gloves, scarves, some games, a sleeping bag, some folding chairs, and a pile of shoes.

3. And open the top left drawer of your dresser, what would I see??
You’d be looking at my underwear – mostly thongs and lacy things.

4. And go to your bedroom and look under the bed, what would I see??
Several long boxes of out-of-season clothes (shorts, shirts, jeans, and dresses), a box of shoes, a stray sock, and some breeding dust bunnies.

5. And look under your basement stairs, what would I find?
Under the stairs themselves, just some suitcases, a small stepladder, and some posters and prints.

Bonus: When visiting other people’s homes and using the bathroom–friends, relatives, parties–do you look in their medicine chest?
Sometimes.  I think it’s different at relative’s homes, as typically we’re staying there and I’m looking for something I forgot to bring. But I have sneaked a peek in medicine cabinets at my friends’ homes or if I’m at a party – and it’s why I am careful what I keep in mine 🙂


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