Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Mind/Body

Martin van Maële [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Martin van Maële [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Who are you?
I’m a dreamer, a reader, a writer, a lover, and somewhat low-maintenance.

2. What is your purpose in this world?
I’m not sure, really. I would hope it would be to bring happiness and love to the people in my life.

3. What do you need to be sexually happy?
I need love, and kisses, and hard fucking. I need an adventurous partner – one who will please me in ways I can only dream of, one who makes my clit twitch when I think about them and makes me crazy, but keeps me sane.

4. Have you found true love?
Yes, I have.

5. How do you nourish yourself?
Lots of protein (nuts, meat) ice tea or Coke, and a healthy dose of sunflower seeds. Also wine and berries.

6. Do you crave more or less sex now versus 2 years ago?
More, definitely.

7. Are you having sex more or less now versus 2 years ago?
It’s not too different than 2 years ago, honestly.

8. Who is sexier–the 20-year-old you or you right now?
Hmmm…I think the me right now is sexier, because I’m more confident and more experienced, both in life and sex.

Bonus: Think back to your last sexual encounter–were you emotionally present? Why or Why not?
I was emotionally present. I think it’s hard not to be when having sex.


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TMI Tuesday: BFFs, Sex, and Break-Ups

By Creator:Michel Fingesten [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Creator:Michel Fingesten [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Hey, how are you doing?
Good, for a Monday, anyhow. Ask me again on Friday.

2. You are given a strong but soft to the touch (and on the skin) rope. What will you do? (pick just one). Explain your choice.?
a. Throw it in the garage to use later to tie down a tarp or something.?
b. Use it for indoor wall rock climbing.?
c. Tie up your lover and have your way with him/her.?
d. Lasso your secret crush and take them with you.
Oh, definitely c. It’s fun to tie someone up, and if the rope is soft it makes it quite pleasurable.

3. Tell us 3 reasons why you or anyone should masturbate.
Only 3? Well, let’s see. It feels good, it relieves stress, and I love to cum.

4. Would you have sex with your best friend? Have you had sex with a best friend in the past? How’d that work out–did you stay friends?
No, I wouldn’t. I’ve never had sex with a best friend, as I’ve never had a sexual attraction to any of my best friends.

5. What are your top 5 reasons to break up with someone?
Hmmm…I guess they would be: they’re abusive, they have no interest in the relationship any more, they don’t want to do things with me, there’s no love to save, and one (or both) of us has lost interest.

Bonus: Post an image you find erotic? What about it arouses you?

I think this picture can be looked at as fairly erotic…it just makes you want to run your tongue all around the base to catch any drips before sliding the whole thing into your mouth.

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TMI Tuesday: Bad Times

Adolf Stäbli [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Adolf Stäbli [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Have you ever had bad sex? Why do you think it was bad?
Who hasn’t? I think it was bad because there wasn’t anything special about it, I just wasn’t into it, and it went on much too long.

2. Have you ever given bad sex? Why did that happen??
I have – it’s not that I want to ever give bad sex, but if I’m not really into it, I can be less than enthusiastic.

3. What instantly puts you in a bad mood?
Taxes. That’ll do it every time.

4. Have you been hurt during a sexual activity? What was the activity? How were you hurt or injured?
No, not really. I’ve been so sore I couldn’t walk right, but that’s not really being hurt – that’s from pleasurable marathon fucking.

5. During sex, what instantly turns you off?
I think if my partner smells bad, or farts.

6. Bad sex–is there really such a thing?
There is – sex is almost always good – great even, but sometimes it can be bad. I think what makes it bad is no connection.

Bonus: Biting during sex–
a. do you like it?
b. do you do it?

Yes, to both. Not hard biting, mind you, but I love to nibble and be nibbled.


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TMI Tuesday: May

By Abiez (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

By Abiez (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

1. May 9 – Today is National Lost Sock Memorial Day. How many single socks do you have because the mate got lost?
I have a whole drawer full. Occasionally, I’ll go through the drawer and make matches, but there are some that are alone – I think the drier monster ate them. These I’ll often use for dustrags – I just slip one over my hand,and it makes an easy, disposable cleaner.

2. This month is National Bike Month (in the USA), do you own a bike? When is the last time your rode your bike?
I do own a bike – two, in fact. One is stationary and in front of my TV, and I ride it several times a week. The other is a pink and black Schwinn that I ride when the weather’s nice. It’s been a few months since I rode it, but now that the weather’s turning, I’ll probably start riding it more.

3. Of course we all know it is Masturbation Month. How are you celebrating?
By masturbating, of course! So far I’ve masturbated every day this month, and although there’s a lot more days left in May, I’m going to try and keep it going every day.

4. As a kid, many of us would think or say, “I don’t ever want to be like my mom (or dad)!” Now that you are grown, which parent do you think you are most like?
Hmmm…in some ways I’m like my Dad – good with the kids, and creative. But in other ways I’m more like my Mom, which is both good and distressing.

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
I would have liked my parents to be a bit more permissive. It was rough growing up once I got to junior high and high school, as I wasn’t allowed to go out and do much. Emphasis on the word allowed – I went out and did things anyway, but it would have been better, and safer, if they had let me do things.

Bonus: A lot of people do sexting. Do you ever have sexy talk with a real phone call? Do you rehearse what you are going to say or do it freestyle?
I do – it’s much more of a turn-on then sexting, although sexting can be very, very hot. I never rehearse anything – it’s whatever it is at the time. I can’t imagine rehearsing, honestly!


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TMI Tuesday: Weekdays

Alexandre Cabanel [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alexandre Cabanel [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Do you wish every day was like Sunday?
Not really…i would rather have every day like Saturday. Saturday is a better day to do something fun, and without the dread of work the next day.

2. Why don’t you like Mondays?
Mondays are awful. I don’t want to go back to work, when I get there, there’s a ton of problems that need to be fixed, and I never get anything done.

3. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday love–which is best day for sex?
I would say Friday – it makes for a good start to the weekend. But really, any day is the best day for sex.

4. Do you look forward to hump day aka Wednesday?
I do – because it means the work week is 1/2 way over.

5. Friday night just got paid…do you get paid on Fridays?
Sometimes – I get paid once a month, so I only get paid on Friday when it’s the last working day of the month.

6. What were you doing 10:15 Saturday night?
Hmmm…I think watching some bad horror movie on a movie channel.

Bonus: Today in Washington, DC metro area it’s another Rainy day and it is Monday. What’s your weather?
Today was actually decent – in the mid 40s, and not too windy.

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