1. Hi there. Tell us about your job and what you do?
Currently I’m a consultant. I advise and assist with an online program, and I also design and develop web pages.
2. What piece of advice would you give to a co-worker?
If you don’t know something, ask! There’s nothing worse than a co-worker who’s afraid to ask for information.
3. What 2 pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger??
Hmmm…I would say get out there in cyberspace and make connections, and be careful of some of the things that you share.
4. What 1 piece of advice would you give to a veteran blogger–someone blogging for more than 3 years?
I guess I would say to keep being honest.
5. What do you hope visitors to your blog see, take away, feel or learn?
I hope that they learn something about sex toys, since that’s a lot of what I do on my blog. I hope they see, through many of the photos I’ve taken, that I enjoy what I do. I also hope they take away some feelings relating to my poems and stories that I post.
6. Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best?
I have, but it’s not something I can easily explain.
Bonus: What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?
I think it was the death of my dog. I’d had him for almost 9 years, and he started getting sick the last year or so. He had stopped eating and drinking, as his body was full of tumors, and he was miserable. I couldn’t let him go alone, and neither could my family, so we were all present at the vet’s when it was time. It was a very different experience than I was expecting – a nice room, fairly large so we could all be around him, pet him, and talk to him, and we all the time we needed to be with him. It was hard, but I think that it made me stronger and helped me realize that I could handle it when I had to do something I didn’t want to do. It still hurts, but I am glad I was there, and he knew he was loved.
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