Category Archives: TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Fill In The Blank

By Nheyob (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Nheyob (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. I must be happy before I die.

2. You can’t stop loving who you love.

3. I wish I never had to buy another iPhone, because someone broke theirs/got it wet, again.

4. The internet has helped me change my life.

5. I know the song American Pie by heart. (Actually, there are a LOT of songs I know by heart – if I like a song, I tend to learn the words so I can sing along.)

6. If I weren’t so afraid, I would make a lot of changes in my life.

Bonus:  My weekend was good, and fairly productive , tonight I’m looking forward to watching some TV and studying (yes, really), tomorrow my plans include writing up a post or two, and next weekend, I want to get a little tipsy and fuck like crazy!


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TMI Tuesday: TMI

By Evan-Amos (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Evan-Amos (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1. What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to?
Hmm…I think it would be the first Christmas party I went to at my husband’s work. I had a beautiful sparkly dress, and there was good food and a great band, plus pictures and free drinks.

2. What is your first memory of being really excited??
Definitely when I was little, on Christmas Eve. We always went to midnight mass, and it was so hard to go to sleep when we got home, because I couldn’t wait for Santa to come. I was very into Barbie when I was little, and Santa used to bring so many things off of my list that I would painstakingly put together out of the Sears and Penneys catalogs. I could barely wait until 6am (my parents’ always said I had to wait until then) to see what I got!

3. What was the first thing you bought with your own money??
Hmmm…I don’t remember the first things, I guess, but I do remember when I bought my very first stereo and VCR.

4. What story does your family always tell about you??
There are a few, but the one my Mom always told was when I got in trouble in school – in first grade they wanted us to check books out of what I called the baby section, and I got sent to the principal for trying to check out a book for older kids. I had to read the newspaper to her, and after that I had free run of the library.

5. At what age did you become an adult?
Well, I guess a few ages. I became an adult at almost 18, when I went away to college. Then I became an adult at 19 when I was old enough to drink. And then at 21 again, as they changed the law and I was finally old enough again to drink. I don’t feel like I really grew up until I got out on my own.

Bonus: Do you often subscribe to new comments/replies on blogs? Or do you manually go back to see if someone has responded to what you wrote?
I do sometimes. But usually I go back manually to see if there’s a response.

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TMI Tuesday: August

August Sky ©2016, Sammi Lou Thorne

August Sky ©2016, Sammi Lou Thorne

It’s the last TMI Tuesday for the month of August. Did you know August was originally named Sextilis (‘sixth’). In 8 B.C. Sextilis was renamed August in honor of Roman Emperor Augustus. BTW…August or Sextilis was the sixth month of the year in the ancient Roman 10-month calendar.

1. In the Philippines today is National Heroes Day. Who is your hero? (You can name up to 3). Why?
Hmmm…I would say my father was one of my heroes. He was always quietly doing things and not complaining, but he had such a high list of accomplishments, was warm, caring, and always supportive.

2. August is Romance Awareness Month. What have you done to enhance romance in your life? Or what have you become aware of or discovered with regards to romance??
Not a lot lately. I need to work on this.

3. In the month of August there is National Raspberry Creme Day, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, and National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Which day are you most likely to celebrate and how would you celebrate??
Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I think I’d probably celebrate National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, and do so by baking up fresh batches of gooey chocolate chip cookies.

4. August 13 was International Left-hander’s Day. Who out there is a lefty? Anyone ambidextrous??
I celebrate this every year! I am very strongly a leftie – the only things I can really do even half-well with my right hand are cut with scissors and knives. I can print, slowly, with my right hand just barely well enough to do a crossword puzzle with breakfast. And I almost always masturbate with my left hand because I am not nearly as coordinated with my right hand by a long shot.

5. In the U.K. today is a late summer Bank Holiday. What are you doing (or did you do) with your “free” time?
Not a lot, really. I don’t have a lot of free time, so just relaxing is always good.

Bonus: Post a pic from your mobile phone that was taken in this month of August. Explain the photo…or not????
My bonus picture is at the top of the post – an August night a week ago.

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TMI Tuesday: Where There Is Love, There Is Life

By JeLuF (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By JeLuF (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. Do you want a divorce or to leave your present romantic relationship?

2. Do you think your relationship needs couples therapy?
No. I am not a big believer in therapy for any reason, really.

3. If your relationship needs fine-tuning, what would you do to tweak it?
Hmmm…I don’t know. Maybe have more open communication and more sex.

4. Is your relationship over or are you just in a bad phase? How long has the bad phase lasted so far??

5. What kind of relationship do you envision will make you happy??
A relationship where there’s love, trust, communication, sharing, and openness.

6. Are you seeing someone new?

Bonus: What major regret do you have so far in your life? Is it too late to change it?
I think my biggest regret is not living in the moment, and not following through on things I want to do; not taking chances. I don’t think it’s ever too late to change it, and once I do, it won’t be a regret any longer.


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TMI Tuesday: Step Right Up! Get Your TMI Tuesday Here

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

1. Where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?
Hmmm…that I’ve been to? I think Yellowstone is beautiful, with its morning glory pools, geysers, and waterfalls.

2. How old is the most expired item in your fridge?
I did find a jar of pasta sauce that expired in January…of this year. Usually I use it up, but it got buried in back.

3. What’s under your bed?
Other than dust bunnies? There are boxes of out of season clothes and shoes, that I’ll be going through in another month or so to swap out the closets.

4. What is in your pocket?
I’m wearing a dress today, so I have no pockets.

5. Which famous person would you like to be best-friends with? Why?
There are a few, but I think it’d be cool to be best friends with Bruce Campbell. He is awesome, and seems like he’s got quite a sense of humor.

6. There is now a line of lacy lingerie for men. Would you wear it or like to see your man in it? See here and here.
I like the boxers better than the briefs, but I think I’d leave it up to him – if he really wanted to wear them, I’d be ok with it.

Bonus: Think The Olympics. Men’s gymnastic uniforms–sexy or goofy? Discuss!
I think they’re kind of goofy – I really dislike the pants (the shirt and shorts are fine) – they remind me of those awful MC Hammer parachute pants back in the 80s. I’d much rather see muscled legs.


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