1. What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to?
Hmm…I think it would be the first Christmas party I went to at my husband’s work. I had a beautiful sparkly dress, and there was good food and a great band, plus pictures and free drinks.
2. What is your first memory of being really excited??
Definitely when I was little, on Christmas Eve. We always went to midnight mass, and it was so hard to go to sleep when we got home, because I couldn’t wait for Santa to come. I was very into Barbie when I was little, and Santa used to bring so many things off of my list that I would painstakingly put together out of the Sears and Penneys catalogs. I could barely wait until 6am (my parents’ always said I had to wait until then) to see what I got!
3. What was the first thing you bought with your own money??
Hmmm…I don’t remember the first things, I guess, but I do remember when I bought my very first stereo and VCR.
4. What story does your family always tell about you??
There are a few, but the one my Mom always told was when I got in trouble in school – in first grade they wanted us to check books out of what I called the baby section, and I got sent to the principal for trying to check out a book for older kids. I had to read the newspaper to her, and after that I had free run of the library.
5. At what age did you become an adult?
Well, I guess a few ages. I became an adult at almost 18, when I went away to college. Then I became an adult at 19 when I was old enough to drink. And then at 21 again, as they changed the law and I was finally old enough again to drink. I don’t feel like I really grew up until I got out on my own.
Bonus: Do you often subscribe to new comments/replies on blogs? Or do you manually go back to see if someone has responded to what you wrote?
I do sometimes. But usually I go back manually to see if there’s a response.
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