Category Archives: Kink of the Week

Kink Of The Week: Prostate Play

William Etty [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

William Etty [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Prostate play isn’t something I’ve ever engaged in, although I know a fair amount about it. This comes from one of my previous jobs, where a lot of interesting discussions with the guys really gave me a lot of information on what it was, what felt good to them, and how it aroused them.

I don’t think it’s an inherently kinky act – just another sexual act that some people enjoy, and others don’t. It’s one of those things I’ve been a little curious about, just a little, but also one of those things my partner isn’t in to. Like, not at all. He’s never stimulated his own, and no one’s ever stimulated it for him. Ever. It used to be that he’d freak out when my fingers, stroking on that sensitive taint, would get a little too close to his ass…he’d tense up and clench, and sometimes pull my hand away. Now, he doesn’t mind if I, very lightly, trail my fingers close, but that’s as far as it goes. If he wanted me to, I’d be willing, but since he doesn’t, I don’t.


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Kink Of The Week: Pony Play

By J. Gurney & Son (studio) (1867 promotional photocard. Via [1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By J. Gurney & Son (studio) (1867 promotional photocard. Via [1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The first time I ever heard of, or saw, pony play was on an HBO series called Real Sex. They had a segment called “Ride Pony Ride” which featured men as the horses and women riding them. I will admit I found it interesting, but not a particular turn-on, as I couldn’t imagine myself being the dominant and riding someone like that. I’d seen a few pictures of women geared up as well, but that didn’t do much for me either.

Several years later, I read a wonderful book, Carrie’s Story by Molly Weatherfield. It was only the third full-length BDSM or erotic story I ever read (The Story of O by Pauline Reage and Us by Anonymous were the first two), and it had a bit of pony play in it, this time with a woman. Told from her point of view, it was even more intriguing, especially as it went into more detail and was a bit more explicit. Carrie was intelligent, witty, and so willing to go along with and enjoy what was happening to her. Then I read Safe Word, the sequel, which went a lot more into the play and activity involved,and it was arousing, especially since it was Carrie’s thoughts and telling of events, and not someone else’s – it was so personal that it did make me wonder what it would be like, to do that for someone I loved or was in service to.

I am somewhat curious about pony play. I can see the attraction, with the gear, harness, bit, hoof gloves, and even the plug tail (and I do have a thing for tail plugs). My partner isn’t interested in pony play in the least, so I don’t see ever experiencing it, whether I had an opportunity or not, unless he’d change his mind and want to play this way. I do think it would be interesting, though, to talk to someone who actually engaged in pony play, and watching such a session in person would be something I’d at least like to do.

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Kink Of The Week: Sneakers

By G.dallorto (Own work) [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

By G.dallorto (Own work) [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

I like a good pair of sneakers. I’ve had a few favorite pairs over the years, including a lovely pair of cobalt blue suede Nikes (no, no humming of Elvis songs when I wear them), and a pair of Coraline sneakers (also Nikes) that I won from a contest. I usually don’t call them sneakers, I admit – to me they’re all tennis shoes. Continue reading

Kink Of The Week: Clothed Female Naked Male (CFNM)

By file: James Steakley; artwork: Anton Raphael Mengs [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By file: James Steakley; artwork: Anton Raphael Mengs [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I’d heard of CFNM before, and seen (and reviewed) a few pornos with mainly CFNM scenes, but it’s not really something we play at. Usually we’re both pretty naked at the same time, even if I’m the one who’s cuffed or tied down. Even if I’m not, we both like to be naked around each other when we can. I like to look at his naked body, and he likes to look at mine. Continue reading

Kink Of The Week: Biting

I’ve always associated biting and sex with…well, vampires and sex. From the first time I saw Dracula biting the neck of Lucy Westenra, I was hooked, wondering what it would be like to be bitten, to have those pearly fangs sink into the tender flesh of my neck, bringing me to ecstasy…

I’m also a True Blood addict (Team Eric, thank you very much), and good Lord, Eric could bite me anywhere he wanted. And now I’ll hum a bit of Judas Priest’s “Love Bites”…

But, fortunately or unfortunately, vampires aren’t real. While I may fantasize about being ravaged (and ravished) by Eric and his kin, in real life I’d rather my partner not draw blood. He can nip at my earlobes or bite gently on my lip. He can nibble on my neck or nosh my nipples. He can even playfully chew on my clit. But not hard bites, certainly not hard enough to draw blood – I’d rather not have his dental impression emblazoned on my breasts (or anywhere else for that matter). Erotic love bites I enjoy, even if they’re a tad painful, but I draw the line at his drawing blood or leaving a lasting mark. This is one limit he’s more than willing to abide by.

I’ve nibbled on him at times, although I’m limited as to where, and God help me if I use my teeth on his cock. He prefers my tongue and my lips working on him, and would rather I bite down on the gag in my mouth than on his body. And I’m happy to comply.


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